Digital Transformation Project-Municipality of The Hague And Augmented Reality




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In the report we analyze the current use of IT in the municipality of The Hague and specifically the Design and Engineering Office and propose a new business plan that involves the use of innovative augmented reality technology to transform the organization. The main focus of the report will be on the organization itself, while in our video we will cover most of the technology. We specifically chose to do this project at the municipality, as we thought it was interesting to analyze such an organization, as opposed to a ‘regular’ company selling products or services. The reason why we examined the effects of augmented reality on the Design and Engineering Office, is because we thought that this department would benefit the most from the transformational process.

In the video Remco Duivesteijn, an information architect at the municipality of The Hague talks about augmented reality technology as a whole and its possible applications to the city of The Hague. For example, people used to draw 2D sketch on a paper or build 3D models in the computer when comes to urban construction. Now with the use of augmented reality, people can place a virtual model of the building in the construction site and experience it even before starting the project.

The organization is analyzed in terms of its current business model and its current IT strategy. Porter’s five forces analysis is used to determine the competitive situation that the municipality and the Design and Engineering Office operate in. We have also provided in depth analysis regarding the organizations IT governance. McFarlan’s Strategic Grid Framework helps to position the organization’s in terms of the current and future importance or reliance on IT. Strategic Alignment Model by Henderson and Venkatraman discusses the alignment between business strategy and IT strategy.

Our recommended business plan to implement augmented reality is to make resources available to examine developments in IT and create ways in which they can be applied in future projects (Augmented Reality technology in this specific case). The key focus of  our business plan is on communication between departments and developing smart, innovative and inspiring IT solutions. We believe that the suggested business plan will prove to be beneficial for the municipality of The Hague as a whole, even though there exists some potential risks and implementation issues related to technical expertise and budget expenditures.

We therefore recommend the municipality of The Hague to:

-Consult an augmented reality specialist or developer

-Involve outsiders: Citizens and Companies in the planning process

-Involve insiders: Combining Departments and Budgets


IS Team 60:

Max Oudenbroek

Femke Sytstra

Shichen Yang

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