Digital Transformation Projects – Introducing keyless at Snappcar




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SnappCar is an innovative start-up company which provides a car sharing platform. Users consist of car owners who do not make use of their car all the time, and people who are looking to rent a car. SnappCar connects these two user groups by offering a platform on which car owners can put their car up for rental by individuals.


SnappCar does not own any cars, but solely provides the platform for the two user groups. The company works as a facilitator and tries to make the car sharing as smooth and safe as possible. This is currently done by performing strict security checks on both the car owners and the car renters. Every individual is checked on certain criteria and documents have to be uploaded on the SnappCar website to validate.


After conducting several interviews with users of the SnappCar service, as well as with SnappCar employees, we have noticed that there is one recurring problem that SnappCar users encounter. When a potential car renter makes a request for renting a car, the car owner is not always around the car. Think about the scenario when someone wants to rent out a car during the weekends, because the car owner is in another city during the weekend and does not make use of the car. This would be a perfect moment for a car renter to make use of the car, but the practical problem of the key exchange occurs. There is always a physical appointment needed between the two parties, to exchange the car keys. This can be a problem in the previous scenario of the car owner not being around the car, or when there is simply no time frame that suits both parties for the key exchange.


As SnappCar wants to make the renting process as smooth as possible, we propose an innovative technology to solve this problem. The technology concerns a keyless system, which is installed in the car that is up for rental. When a situation occurs in which the physical appointment for the key exchange is not possible, the car owner can place the key into the car and lock the car using the technology that can be controlled via a smartphone. This technology enables the opening and locking of the car, and can also activate an immobilizer in the car.


When an agreement is made between car owner and car renter, the car renter receives the location of the car and can go there whenever suits him/her best. Using the technology on the smartphone, the car owner and car renter both accept the opening of the car once the car renter is at the car. This opens up the car and disables the immobilizer, making it possible for the car renter to gain access to the key and start the car. Once the rental period is over, the technology enables the car to be locked again, after which the car owner can return to the car whenever suits him/her best and find the keys safely inside of the car.


The main concern for this new technology is the security of the system, as it could feel like a risk to leave the keys in the car. What takes away this risk is the immobilizing aspect of the technology. When the car owner and car renter do not actively open the car using their smartphone, the car will be immobilized and anyone breaking in to the car to gain access to the key will not be able to start the engine.


Implementing this new technology will change the way SnappCar is currently providing its service, as a lot more flexibility will be added to the existing business model. The customer value will increase, stimulating more people to use SnappCar’s services. All of this will lead SnappCar somewhat closer to their ultimate goal by carsharing: Getting less cars on the road.

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