The internet of things and sustainability




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The internet of things, IoT, has been a hype for quite a while now. Unlike many other (technological) hypes, is this one still present right now. Although the internet of things seems to be a technological hype isn’t it really solely about “technology” itself but also about bringing technology together with costumers and businesses. The internet of things could also link internet technology with topics which would not seems to be logical on first sight. One of these interesting combinations is the combination of the IoT with sustainability.

The IoT has a large potential to foster the shift to a more sustainable world. The IoT is able to do real-time analyses of almost any operations or processes within businesses. This is a real tipping point in creating environmental benefits. For instance, linking all traffic data and their greenhouse gas emissions to the air quality in that area, will enable traffic management to directly manage the traffic in such way it will harm the environment the least. Moreover will it change our cities into smart cities with for instance smart public transport, smart lighting and heating systems in buildings. Especially in less developed countries could it enhance the yields from the agricultural sector using smart sustainable crop management systems. This will lead to a decrease of deforestation of the rainforests for example. These efficiency improvements are in essence the core of the internet of things. This is an important link between sustainability and the IoT, since “More from Less” is an essential pillar of sustainability.

Embedding the internet of things even more in our lives will be a costly project. Moreover, are there privacy issues which could impede further growth of the internet of things. Nevertheless has it also great economical perspectives. The IoT will be responsible for 15 trillion of the global GDP in upcoming 20 years, according to Cisco and IBM. This will open countless possibilities for using the internet of things for the good, the shift to a more sustainable world.

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