Digital Transformation Project – Samcon




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Samcon is a Canadian construction company, with more than a hundred employees, active in Montreal and Ottawa.  Its main focus is the development of urban residential projects and the subsequent sale of condominiums. A condominium, often shortened to condo, is a type of real estate divided into several units that are each separately owned. Despite the fierce competition of the construction industry, the firm manages to differentiate itself from its main rivals by targeting a specific market segment to which it provides with top quality condos, in high rise buildings, situated only in urban areas.

However, because of recent condominium market saturation and the decreasing purchasing power of local buyers, Samcon faces new challenges in increasing its sales. Increased sales and revenues from local and international clients will help Samcon achieve its goal of expansion to new regional markets. As a result, our analysis was focused on the Marketing and Sales Departments, as their increased performance is critical to Samcon’s growth strategy.  A few years ago, the company understood the potential of a thorough digital marketing strategy in order to reach its objectives, but decided to outsource all of its IT functions to different short-term contractual companies. It also hired different digital marketing agencies to run its lead generation campaigns. Due to these decisions, the results are not as expected. Current digital marketing and sales strategies are costly, while providing minimal returns. The implication of different entities that have no cooperation, makes it difficult for Samcon to harmonize its digital strategy, facilitate its management, and optimize its performance.

The suggested recommendation is the development and implementation of a comprehensive digital marketing software that will be run by an internal digital marketing team. The software will be a complete tool, which will help the new digital marketing team enhance its lead generation process by increasing the number and the quality of leads. This will be achieved by the increased usage of analytics generated from the software, which in turn will be used to create more effective campaigns. Remarketing techniques can also be utilized through the use of the software. Furthermore, the solution will enable Samcon’s sales representatives to convert online leads into sales more efficiently by automating many processes of a sale’s lifecycle. Inhousing the digital marketing department, instead of relying on external firms, would also provide more control to the company and allow for better managed marketing campaigns. The main features of the software are the following: digital campaign optimization & prediction, process automation, predictive CRM, and facilitated management.

The solution fits with Samcon’s goals and enhances its already established strategy. For this implementation to be effective, we recommend Samcon to adequately communicate the need for the proposed solution to the employees of the company and train them sufficiently. We also suggest the firm to be very diligent in the recruitment of digital marketing professionals by using a digital marketing recruitment agency, given its lack of experience in this field.

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