Digital Transformation Project – TripAdvisor [group 78]




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Everyone knows TripAdvisor. It’s a internet site where you can view and add reviews. Recently you can also actualy book  at TripAdvisor.

Before we go to the emerging technology of TripAdvisor, we first asked stakeholders what they think about the travel booking industry.

The stakeholders mentioned that going to a physical store is more time consuming, but it adds more value. Online is not time consuming, but there is no personal assistant and currently there’s too many information. So, the flaw of the current technology of  the company and other online booking agencies is that their services are not personal to its customers.

To go back to TripAdvisor, to make it more personal, we suggest the development and implementation of a virtual personal assistant application. It should be voice-enabled, and in the long run it should the travel planning tools will employ artificial intelligence (AI). We understood that the CEO of TripAdvisor said that apps are the key to future success. In short, based on personal information, preferences and search options of the customer, it will search and combine thousands of reviews and search the best trip for you.

The basis of TripAdvisor will exist: the rating system. The consumer can be influenced by other’s opinion or observational learning and customers tend to change their decision based on the external informations provided by others.

Alma Janssen   – 386425
Hajar Azrioual – 356326
Pucun Zheng    – 384441
Amir Kalloe      – 356526

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