The Dark Web-Do You Dare? *




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*This article does not intend to promote or endorse the Dark Web. Not by any means, the content encourages readers to undertake illegal actions.

We all have read about Google algorithm strategies to generate a list of suggested websites for you. We also know people receive different outcome for the same search. And recently we heard that searching results are so customized to users’ historical data and preferences that thousands of websites will stay invisible to users without giving them the chance to explore new fields or simply leave the choice to their own discretion. Though this is relevant only to webpages that can be indexed and google algorithm will sort out for you. But is this all that exist out there in the immense space of the web?

The answer is No. Beyond ordinary search engines; there is a whole new world called the Dark Web. Fear of the Dark is not just an Iron Maiden song anymore but a real cyber situation.  The Dark Web is known with its notorious reputation. Most people are convinced only criminals like drug dealers, weapon sellers and rapists occupy its space. According to researchers ‘only 4% of the internet is visible for the public’ which leaves the rest 96% to the internet network of the Deep Web. The Dark Web is only a subset of the Deep Web where all nefarious activities and black markets happen. Moreover, you do not need to be a computer geek to access it. You just need to download one of the most popular tools for staying private and anonymous like Tor (an abbreviation for The onion router) and follow the installation instructions of the package. Tor hides your location and makes it difficult to track. However, if you ever dare to snoop in the Dark Web be careful about the content of the websites you will access. You don’t want to be chased by the mob, right? Also, do not fool yourself that intelligent services are not putting a lot of effort to track anyone using Tor or other similar browsers. In 2005, the founder of the Silk Road, a first black market for illegal drugs, was caught by FBI after leaving private information like email on one of the forums that connected him with his criminal activities.

However, not all that happen in the Dark Web is illegal. Some websites there offer bitcoin eschew and wallet services, music streaming, secured web based email services, even Facebook dark web etc. Also people living under dictatorship regimes with limited freedom use the Dark Web to communicate with the outside world.

I know some of you are really curious what is out dare and are eager to start browsing with Tor immediate. My advice is to carefully think if the advantages outweigh the disadvantages before end up doing something that you will regret for the rest of your life.



Peterson, (August 2016),Four misleading myths about the Dark Web-TechRepublic. Retrieved October 6,2016, from

How To Access The Dark Web | Dark Web News. (Sept,2015.). Retrieved October 6, 2016, from


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