Digital transformation project – Movares – Group 55




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In this digital transformation project, we analyzed Movares Nederland B.V. and its current use of an IT application. Movares is an engineering- and consulting company headquartered in Utrecht with approximately 1100 FTE and four regional offices. It was founded in 1995, when it divided from Nederlandse Spoorwegen. Previously focused mostly on the rail industry, today, Movares is involved in a much broader sense. They are involved in projects and advisory in mobility, heavy rail, light rail, environmental planning, water and energy. Their projects include: HSL-Zuid, Betuweroute, Spoorzone Delft.

Movares is involved in big and small civil engineering projects, consulting, and they conduct research. They help building a variety of civil engineering structures like rail stations and bridges. When engineering or consulting, amenities, usefulness, future value, and sustainability play an important role for Movares. Their motto says ‘We connect’. Movares has two divisions: Rail and Ruimte, Mobiliteit & Infra. Problem

One of their IT problems is their corporate identity, and especially the Microsoft office system Movares is currently using.  Movares currently uses a very outdated version of Microsoft office and because the system is so outdated Microsoft will end delivering security for the program on 10-10-2017, also security is also a current problem. The current Microsoft office system is not compatible with versions of the customers. Customers can only open reports when they deactivate their security mode. The maintenance costs are high due outdated programming language and tricks programmers must use in order to make the system compatible with other systems. Lastly, the integration with other programs is also a problem. The engineers work with the latest technologies and programs which cannot be integrated with the old Microsoft office system


To overcome this challenge we suggest that Movares new corporate identity will use augmented reality (AR) technology.  AR is the integration of digital information with the user’s environment in real time. Unlike virtual reality, which creates a totally artificial environment, augmented reality uses the existing environment and overlays new information on top of it. Augmented reality makes it possible to turn a 50-page document into a virtual experience. For Movares this is an opportunity to make the reports look more professional and understandable, since a lot of stakeholders don’t have the same technical background as the engineers of Movares. AR makes it possible to easier understand difficult processes simply because the visualization of a certain process explains ‘more than a thousand words’.


The new corporate identity with AR technology will be a good fit with the current business model. One of the core businesses of Movares is consulting, as a consultant you deliver solutions or advise other companies. In the market where Movares is operating they often advise on high-tech solutions for complex problems. Delivering the reports in outdated software is, therefore, a weakness. If Movares updates to the new technology this would better fit with their motto (‘we connect’) and strategy. The implementation of AR technology can result in a competitive advantage, due to a richer user experience, and is in line with their goal to be leading in the field of transport civil engineering.


We recommend Movares to start with outsourcing 3 or 4 projects. If the AR technique shows positive results Movares can do a thorough investigation on the costs and opportunities of setting up their own AR unit. For the upcoming years Movares can benefit from the new Microsoft office by meeting all the requirements, and by using AR the stakeholder will have a better understanding of the projects.

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