Nanobots implants could give humans ‘God-like’ intelligence.




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According to lecture one, I would like to describe this subject more briefly. Ray Kurzweil has mentioned that the human brain could be enhanced by tiny robotic implants that connect to cloud-based computer networks to give us ‘God-like’ abilities. He predicts that by 2030, humans will be using nanobots. The nano machines consists of capsules of DNA that can change their shape in response to certain conditions in the body and a molecular ‘car’ that uses ball of carbon as wheels. (,2016)

Creating the nanobots is almost the same as creating living robots. The idea behind the nanobots is that the implants will expand the neocortex. The neocortex is the part of our brains that involves higher functionality such as sensory perception, the ability of understanding language and argue (Wikipedia,2016). The nanobots allows human to be connected to the internet and send e-mails to each other or share pictures to other’s brains, while also backing up our thoughts and memories. In addition, the nanobots can also expand the capacity for our emotions and creativity and thus expand the capacity for our brains. Nanobots will have a great influence on and expand the neocortex; this will make humans more ‘God-like’. Our additional levels of abstraction will be higher, we will create more profound means of expressions, so that we are going to be funnier, sexier and musical. (,2016)

Untill now, I highlighted the positive side of nanobots, as they will expand the positive capabilities of the human brains; a human will be more perfect. On the other side, we should be concerned about these mysterious things that are swimming into your head and leaving them there; how to bring in these nanobots and how to remove? Other scientists are skeptical about the nanobots. We currently understand a little bit of how the brains work, so how can we expect that the nanobots will expand the neocortex. Furthermore, there is a possibility that our cell will attack the foreign bodies and kick them out. (,2016).



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