How Augmented Reality is Transforming the Military Sector




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From Pokemon Go to iPhone X, we all have heard of the different applications of Augmented Reality in our lives. But is its true purpose really to make us able to create an animated poop emoji (sorry Apple, but I don’t think so) or to chase our Pikachu even when it’s raining cats and dogs outside? The answer is NO and the military is here to tell us how Augmented Reality can be used when life-or-death decisions have to be taken.

Augmented Reality is not something new to the military. Wearable glasses and headsets have been used for years, allowing the person wearing them to gather mapping information and other situational data, which significantly improves the environmental and situational awareness of the wearer (Lynch, 2017).

A new CV90 battle station by BAE Systems Hägglunds is taking the application of Augmented Reality a step forward by developing the so-called “vehicle of glass”, which will equip vehicles such as airplanes, tanks and boats with a sensor that will allow the troops to get from the inside of the vehicle a 360-degree view of the exterior situation (Lynch, 2017).

In addition, Augmented Reality is also expected to decrease the “cognitive load” of a troop. As explained by Dan Lindell, the Platform Manager for the CV90 Battle station, the “cognitive load” of a troop can be attributed to three factors: too many choices, too much thought required for an action and lack of clarity. Using Augmented Reality Devices will provides a hands-off, ready to use information presented on one device, as opposed to the multiple screens that a troop has to check otherwise. This, according to the Head of New Technologies in BAE Systems Hägglunds, will allow troops to easily filter unnecessary information and to focus on the important details needed at the particular moment. (Lynch, 2017)

Augmented Reality gives us new previously unthought-of possibilities, which go way beyond new smartphone functions or new sources of entertainment. It gives us the possibility to make transformational changes in every sphere of life. As with everything else, however, its impact boils down to how people will decide to use it. In the conflict-intense world that we live in today, will we turn to the latest developments in technology to help us set peace around the world or will we use them as a powerful war weapon?

Sources: Lynch, G. (2017). Death becomes AR: How the military is using augmented reality. [online] TechRadar. Available at: [Accessed 18 Sep. 2017].

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