Technology of the week – Platform mediated market Aventus




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Technology of the Week: Aventus

Around 20 years ago the first ticket was sold online. Since then the online ticketing industry has grown enormously. It now covers various kinds of events like sports, concerts and festival. From the very start businesses in this industry have focused on creating a platform upon which different networks of buyers and sellers are present. They act as an intermediary between them. However, the industry has definitely not been without its faults. Just ask yourself: How often did you feel you paid a premium on a regular ticket? Or, don’t we all have that one friend that once was stood up when he apparently had bought a ticket that was not registered in his/her name. These are just a few of the problems that consumers have to deal with on a daily basis.

However, let us not forget the event organisers themselves. More than often they have lost control of the primary and secondary ticket sale for their events and are forced to operate across different platforms. If only there would be a disruption so bold, so holistic that it would solve all these problems. Without further ado we present to you: Aventus. Aventus is one of the first companies that is able to make BlockChain technology widely available through their platform. Through the use of BlockChain Aventus is able to securely and privately facilitate the exchange of e-tickets for the primary and secondary market. Users are able to check the validity of their ticket immediately. Aventus wishes to create more fair, secure, and transparent ticketing industry. Not only does it want to eliminate counterfeit tickets and illegal reselling, it also offers organisers the opportunity to create, manage and promote their events and associated tickets through a single platform. As such, organisers are able to reduce costs and even control secondary markets which they deemed inherently uncontrollable.

The success and presence of Aventus will be a testament of how traditional industries that rely heavily on the intermediary service they provide respond to BlockChain technology. Will they adapt? Will they evolve? Will they sell out? Well ladies and gentlemen, step right up. Your tickets please!


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