The best defense is a good offence




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The introduction of the digital age offers great opportunities for growth of activities within organizations. However, to every advantage there is a corresponding disadvantage. The transformation to digital has given rise to a new sort of crime, cybercrime.

Only in 2016, cybercrime was the second most reported form of crime (Blogger, 2017). This makes effective enterprise security more important than ever for every single company. The traditional defense against cybercrime, such as antivirus software and firewalls, is no longer sufficient. 2017 marks the start of a new era against cybercrime. An era where companies are under the assumption that their network will be under attack continuously. Adaptive security provides the solution against this new form of crime and should be on top of every CIO’s agenda right now. But what is Adaptive security and how is it going to protect us from these new and advanced cyber threats?

Adaptive Security: A real-time network security model that employs modern tricks and tools to counter the threats over a network by cyber criminals (Adaptive Security, 2017).

So how does it work? Adaptive Security investigates and identifies a network for malicious traffic, anomalies or vulnerabilities in real-time and automatically implements endpoint security. The model’s most important characteristics can be defined as: preventive, detective, retrospective and predictive. Through real-time monitoring and analyzing the system it is ahead of cyberattacks and information leaks. Deviations will be detected sooner and potential threats will be revealed more easily as the system constantly compares the status quo against a certain standard. Adaptive Security’s mission is clear: The best defense is having a good offence.

Furthermore, adaptive security providers are continuously looking for new security solutions in close collaboration with each other. For example, they share their “threat intelligence” and co-develop new solutions. In addition, adaptive security is a self-learning mechanism. It has the ability to not only block attacks, but it is also able to detect, analyze and when needed correct previously unknown threats. In such a dynamic and threatening environment, collaboration might be yet the best way to go.

Adaptive Security, (2017). What is Adaptive Security? The Mindful IT company. [online] Available at:

Blogger, A. (2017). Top-5 technologische trends voor 2017. Dutch IT-channel. [online] Available at:

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