No home, no office, but a fulltime job




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With the whole digital revolution, being a digital nomad is up and coming. Because more work is done online, it is not always necessary to be bound to just one location. So, more and more people are packing their stuff and go travel around the world with their laptop with them to work on the road.

So, who are these people that choose to not have a home base and roam the world. There are a lot of software- and web developers and programmers, but you can also think about professions as graphical designers, bloggers, translators or marketing consultants. The only necessity for these people to work is a laptop, Wi-Fi and electricity (Ik wil meer reizen, 2016). Furthermore, there are many applications that make the digital nomad life possible. Think about meetings, how many times is it really necessary to physically sit next to each other to get the message across. Applications like Skype make it possible to be anywhere and still have the same effect. Other examples are Slack or Trello, which make it possible to communicate about projects with your team. One digital nomad says that physical contact with a client or colleague is usually less efficient. Through applications like Skype or Slack there is less hassle and people come straight to the point (Beucker Andreae, 2017).

One of the most prominent reasons why people choose to live like this is because it gives you the freedom to make your own schedule. They do not want to work from nine to five and be stuck in this rhythm. Even if you do not have a schedule like this the world around you does. Another reason that is stated is that it improves the creative process. There is much more time to be creative, as their brain is no longer occupied by daily concerns or required meetings. Also, the environment and other cultures can serve as an inspiration (Beucker Andreae, 2017).

Of course, this lifestyle is not for everyone. If you want the structure and security of a normal office job, then a live as a digital nomad is probably not for you. But if you have the skills to work on a distant, then maybe this might be an amazing adventure.

Ik wil meer reizen. (2016, July 17). DE 10 MEESTGESTELDE VRAGEN OVER DIGITAL NOMADS. Retrieved from:

Beucker Andreae, M. (2017, January 18). Hoe word je een digital nomad pro’s vertellen. Retrieved from:

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2 thoughts on “No home, no office, but a fulltime job”

  1. Really interesting article! And great career path option for those of us who don’t want a 9-5 office job!

    From personal experience working remotely, I think this is an excellent option but would refrain from saying that it is the best option. As great as Slack is, there is still something to be said about having my meetings with my clients or co-workers face to face rather than Slacking one another or Skyping. While Skype definitely was a great feature to have with my international clients for example, having one another’s full attention in a face-to-face meeting is so beneficial. But I am a full proponent to working remotely part-time and I think there are a lot of options now for digital nomads to have that remote-ness but also take advantage of the social aspects of being in an office.

    Companies like We-Work provide office spaces to digital nomads all over the world. There are also “Remote Year” programmes allowing a group of people to travel and work remotely from “hotel desk” to “hotel desk”. Even large companies like Facebook and Google are starting to encourage this by allowing more flexible work from home or work from another office days. There are so many options these days to have an office job without being in the office these days and that is a beautiful technology has introduced into the workplace.

  2. Hi Niké,

    Interesting article. I met some digital nomads during my traveling. I must say, they have a great life! However, I don’t think this is the most efficient way of working. On the beach versus in your office, which is more productive? I do believe it is important to take some brakes to achieve the creativity and inspiration you are talking about

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