The development of Artificial Intelligence




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It must not be new to you that artificial intelligence is something remarkable. Something which has moved up the agenda of most large technology based companies. Chinese e-commerce firm Alibaba for instance has recently announced the investment of 15 billion dollar in research and development, with emphasis on artificial intelligence. New international R&D research centers focus on data analytics, artificial intelligence and quantum computing. (Vincent, 2017)

Artificial intelligence enables computer systems to perform tasks which previously required human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making through neural networks etc.

An example of the current use of the technology is the Virtual Personal Assistant Alexa, by Amazon. The device allows you to play music, make to do lists or home deliveries, and conceive real time information, all through voice recognition. Another Personal Assistant is X.IA’s Amy, which can interrogate communication and determine if humans are talking about arranging meetings. When identified, Amy examines each person’s agenda and finds non-conflicting times to present these to all parties through email or group message.
A different example would be self-driving cars. Companies such as Google, Uber, Apple, Volkswagen and Mercedes are heavily investing in the development of automobiles powered by AI. (Maguire, 2017)

There is a bright future ahead as the technology is still in its infancy; the possibilities are endless. Nonetheless many people have already expressed their concerns on the topic throughout the internet. For some, there is great fear of the unknown. How self-learning might enable machines to one day overpower their creator, indeed just like in the movies. From cases such as Kasparov and Deep Blue we have already seen how AI was able to outplay world’s best Go-players. An interesting argument expressed online against access development of artificial intelligence compares the future of human to animals and the impact of evolution. According to Harari, some people ‘justify’ the abuse and exploitation of animals with ‘superior’ intelligence. So what if machines were to reason their actions according to such logic?

Bisschop, J (2017). AI in de toekomst: en als de robots de wetten gaan overtreden? Retrieved from: [21-10-2017]
Maguire, M (2017). 10 Real life examples of artificial intelligence. Retrieved from: [22-10-2017]
Vincent, J (2017). Alibaba is spending $15 billion on researching quantum computing, AI, and more. Retrieved from: [22-10-2017]

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1 thought on “The development of Artificial Intelligence”

  1. There was also the case of AI experiment at Facebook at which the 2 robots created their own language. They had to cancel the entire project, because the couldn’t understand what the robots were saying anymore. Thus I think you are right, although there is a lot of possibilities regarding Artificial intelligence. But we need to be aware of the enormous risks

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