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Behold the future. Wait, not really the future, since it is here already. Social media in itself has been our daily consumption. 13% annual growth of worldwide social media users shows that it will not go away soon. Add that number to the not-actually-so-new virtual reality (VR) technologies that have been raking up attention in recent years, we’ve got an emerging trend that will forever change how we interact with each other.

-For the Uninitiated-

Most people at some point would have heard of what it is. You can find many definitions on the internet, but most of them would always translate to something like this: “a computer-generated environment that humans can perceive as their own reality and interact with”. Although the technology has been here for quite some time, it has just been picking up steam since the 2010s as big tech companies produced commercial VR headsets like the Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR. Nowadays, VR is used mainly for gaming and cinema, though other uses for it are found in healthcare, robotic science and even military.

-Integrating VR with Social Media: The Future-

Some of the more well-known VR social networks like vTime, Rec Room, and Facebook Spaces (although those cannot be called real VR social media for now, not yet), offer not only the “experience”, but also insights on how VR technology could shape the future of social media.

While it is not yet taking off, the “big players” are serious in racing to become the first in dominating the future market. The signs are there. In 2016, after purchasing the Oculus, Facebook invested $250 millions more into developing VR applications. Last April, a UK-based VR social network vTime succeeded in amassing $7.6 million for its newest project.

This is not without reasons. The existence of VR social media will impact much of online sectors: gaming industries, online dating, and even business marketing. Not to mention businesses will be more than eager to join in the fun. Future lower entry costs for customers mean potential of bigger banks of personal data. This is something that no business will ignore.

-Not Now, but Later for Sure-

The development of VR technology reaches the point where it is impossible to separate it from future social media uses. Although it is not without its obstacles (new social ethics, privacy problems, and health concerns), people are ready to leave their tedious lives and businesses are ready to explore new market opportunities. We are at the last step, but the question is: are you ready?


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