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Google. What would we do without it?

Google: imperative in the ordinary person’s daily life to settle arguments.
Google translate: life-saving for high school students who are bothered learning German.
Google maps: vital for the modern tourist and most uber drivers.
Youtube: catapulting self-obsessed teenagers into internet fame.

Google. The internet jellyfish that grew into a hydra has just celebrated its 20th birthday. While
tech-reporters foretell a rough path ahead of the mastodon (Nieva, 2018), it went through its
adolescence rather eminent. Since you commenced reading this blogpost Google has expedited around a million queries – I kid you not (SpinFold, 2018). The company out of Menlo Park, CA, has reached a magnitude where its strategic behavior is constantly scrutinized. The EU’s commissioner for competition, Margrethe Vestager, has at multiple occasions fined Google for its anti-competitive behavior (Salinas, 2018). However, this intensified attention from competition commissioners may not be Google’s biggest challenge going into its twenties. In the majority of its teenage years Google had strong ties with Washington. This has changed though, and the agenda of the federal government does not indicate invitations to dinner parties any time soon. The President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, has recently aired his frustrations with Google’s influential power. On Twitter, the America President shared a video with allegations of Google’s taking political standpoints. According to the somewhat controversial president Google haS favored his political opponents in search results. As a result, Google have been invited to Capitol Hill for a hearing. However, reports have it, that Google has chosen not to accept this invitation (Nieva, 2018). What kind of consequences this non-cooperative behavior will lead to is currently only known to fortune tellers. For the mortal remainder of the population this will stay an enigma for the future to untie.

Hopefully, we will maintain the opportunity to google away!

Nieva, R. (2018) Cnet, News, 20 years on, Goolge faces its biggest challenges, Website:, Last visited September 14, 2018 – 19.50.

Salinas, S. (2018) CNBC, Tech, EU commissioner on $5 billion antitrust fine: Google has to ‘stop this behavior’, Website:, last visited September 15, 2018 – 11.04

SpinFold (2018) Home, Amazing Facts, 50 Amazing and interesting facts about Google, Website:, last visited September 15, 2018 09.32

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