How internet influences society




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The current generation has been raised with a connectivity around the world which could not have been thought of by their parents. This trend is likely to continue, with the internet bringing seemingly unlimited new options. The online innovation is fascinating and will continue. This article aims to give some perspective on how society is affected by it and touches upon an important concept: Internet of Things (IoT).
The current state of internet has its roots in the ARPANET project designed by the US military. The goal of this system was to enable wireless communication over increasingly longer distances. The potential of communicating over longer distances has brought us to where we are right now, in an era of globalisation. Therefore, internet has changed society. An example of this is by creating more potential for world trade and thereby increase the interaction between cultures.
The next step is not to enhance communication between people, but between things in general. To do so, all components in a system should have connectivity to each other. This way data can be exchanged and processed without the need of a human touch. Of course this is a very limited description of IoT, but it captures the essence.
So the interesting question will be what the increased connectivity might bring us. The enhanced communication between humans has altered society intensively through globalisation. A major impact on society is probable for IoT as well. Governments can use IoT to monitor their civilians closely, with could potentially help solve crime. However there might not only by advantages, as privacy issues and other problems might emerge as well.
Overall, it is to be expected the IoT will have a great impact on society (based on the emergence of the internet). Its potential should be used fully, but the dangers must be noted as well!



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