Will AI play the key role in curtailing climate change?




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Smart thermostats, irrigation systems and deep-learning algorithms to predict extreme weather events; is AI the long-sought solution for the major environmental issues we face today?

With an ever-growing emphasis on global warming, people are no longer arguing the existence of global warming, but rather its solution. Luckily, there is a tool to help us limit the impact of global warming and protect mother earth: Artificial Intelligence (AI). At the moment, AI and machine learning technologies already help us to understand the world that we are living in, for example by predicting and analyzing extreme whether events. These technologies can be used to diminish our human impact on the environment, to keep people safe and creating a healthier world. It enhances the chances we have to stall the trajectory of climate change we are currently on. Are we being overly positive? Maybe. But something has to change.

The use of big data about the world’s land surfaces, gathered by NASA, gives a more accurate perspective on the current status of the world’s climate. This information can be used to determine the risk zones and vulnerable areas. Once the risk zones are identified, climate researchers will be able to use AI and machine learning to test out their predictions, theories and solutions. Not only climate researchers benefit from these tools, also companies use AI to gain a better insight in their energy usage, which enables them to cut the amount of energy used and thereby reduce the carbon-footprint and corresponding costs.

But it is not just companies and nations, also citizens have to commit on reducing their impact. Green initiatives, such as smart-thermostats, will offer people an easy tool to help them reduce their appetite for electricity.

If everyone works together, in the end it will definitely add up. There is no doubt; AI will help us in dealing with global warming. The question is, can AI the ‘game changer’ we’ve all ben looking for?



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