BIM me up, Scotty!




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Yes, you have read right but no, that is not the meaning of BIM just this one time. Up until recently most of us have only ever heard of BIM in the context of this Master’s degree at RSM. However, there are probably more people in this world that know BIM as the abbreviation for ‘Building Information Modeling’.

The architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industries as a whole have not seen much digitization in the past 20 years, but it is now time to level up and get ready for transformation. BIM is a process that gives AEC companies the opportunity to better plan, design, construct and manage projects. Throughout a project designers create digital 3D-models that include data associated with physical and functional characteristics of a building. BIM covers the whole life cycle of a building (see image) from planning to demolition and stores in-depth information about the technologies needed, the costs and the timeline. While it also simulates the best execution right from the start, changes made are comprehensible and everyone involved gets updated about these changes in real time.

BIM’s main advantage is the enhancement of collaboration among AEC professionals by giving everyone involved a better overview of the project, how their individual contributions fit in and by providing information symmetry. But there are other tremendous benefits: Companies will experience better cost predictability, improved timelines, fewer errors, optimized designs, a better understanding of a building and much reduced project risks.


In my opinion, BIM is changing the way humanity builds, maintains and destroys buildings and it is here to stay. BIM will be growing strongly in the short term as well as in the long term: Benefits from the integration of other new technologies like virtual reality, augmented reality, various sensors, and laser scanning are already dawning on the horizon. Therefore,BIM usage will be essential for AEC companies to successfully compete in an increasingly global environment with greater urbanization and limited natural resources.

On top of the above outlook to the future, do you think BIM can be expanded to other projects that require the management of various contributors outside of the AEC industry?




Autodesk Building Solutions. (2017). What is BIM (Building Information Modeling)? [Video]. Retrieved from (2018). What Is BIM | Building Information Modeling | Autodesk. Retrieved from

NBS. (2016). What is BIM?. Retrieved from

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