Do we even need to search for a partner if we can build our own?




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Technology is experimenting with robot lovers to simulate feelings and evoke strong sexual and emotional reactions in humans, making them the perfect companions and eventually even spouses. But, are we capable of falling in love with a non-thinking machine?

The dystopian scenario – an AI romantic futuristic robot-romance novel – seems distant, unrealistic, and very artificial. But the truth is this scenario may be more current and closer to reality than you would think, especially with the progress in new technologies and the current loneliness of our society.

In a modern world where we interact more online than offline, it is not absurd to imagine a future where AI and Robot technology companies will propose themselves as the architects of our next intimacy chapter. In an episode of Black Mirror, a young widow creates an AI version of her dead husband through the use of a computer software by collecting all of his online identity data.

The main question that arises: “Why would we even want that?”. The number one reason is that with robots you can decide the level and type of interaction you wish to engage in. The robots are created by the owner’s imagination. Besides that, it will never offend you unless you program it to do so. For example, the robots can be programmed to never nag, always be positive and helpful and be responsive to your moods. It will ultimately act as the perfect partner. Now the question might rather be: “Why would a human choose to have a relationship with another human?”.



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12 thoughts on “Do we even need to search for a partner if we can build our own?”

  1. Hi Juju! Thanks for your article! I think humans are capable of falling in love with a machine, however the technology has to develop enormously. The chemical reactions that make a human fall in love are known and with large amounts of research a robot must be able to manipulate a human in such a way for it to fall in love with the robot. If we want that is a second question, I think it could be a solution to lonely older people in retirement homes. If you can make a human fall in love with a robot you can also make a human befriend a robot. This would solve the issue of lonliness.

    1. Dear Steven,

      Thank you for you further insight on my post! I agree with the fact that the technology has to develop enormously. Also you mentioning the use of robots in retirement homes is very promising. As I mentioned early, loneliness is a real problem around the elderly nowadays and indeed a robot could solve this if it is programmed and used the right way. On top of that, I did some additional research and found an article that stated that a robot is not able to love back. This could be a problem, since love must come from both sides in a relationship. I would say that robots could be a solution for the elderly not looking for love, but who are looking for someone to talk to or just to have some company.

      Kind regards,

      Juju Rovers

  2. Very interesting article Juju!
    Just like Steven, I do think humans could fall in love with a robot, especially when robots can even have emotions and empathy. Studies even found out that humans can feel concern over a robot if they think that it is in pain, which shows that human scan feel as much empathy for a robot as for a humen being (Dailymail, 2018). But I think the question you should ask is: Can a robot have a relationship wit a human? Because the robot is not feeling a certain emotion (e.g., love) itself, but all of this is programmed. In ‘normal’ relationship, people tend to have difficulties when one person has the feeling that he or she puts more effort in the relationship than the other one, and I think people could have this feeling as well when having a relationship with a robot. Besides, people could have the feeling that the robot is “faking” the relationship, which could end up in a break up. Lastly, a vast majority of people think the opinion of others is important. So, would a relationship with a robot be accepted? Or will people consider people with such a relationship as people who are unable to find a real person?
    So, taking all of the above into consideration, I do think people could have a relationship with a robot, but not a long-term relationship.

    1. Dear Elsemieke,

      Thank you for your further insights! I agree with all of them. I actually like the way you rephrased my question. This is indeed true. Like I mentioned in my reply to Steven, robots are not able to love back so love coming from both sides is not possible. A long-term love relationship with a robot is in my opinion as well not possible. Regarding your last argument, in today’s society I think it is too early for people to understand this phenomenon. I don’t know if it every will, but the future will tell!

      Kind regards,

      Juju Rovers

  3. In addition to my comment (following on your posted comment on Steven above), I agree with your opinion that robots could be helpful for elderly who are lonely. 🙂

  4. Dear Juju,

    To begin with, thank you for your interesting blog contribution. You have chosen a very interesting subject. Before I read your blog, I was not up-to-date regarding the influence of technology within the love industry. To answer your question: I think that there are multiple reasons why a human chooses to have a relationship with a human instead of a machine. A human being is looking for affection, emotions, humor and a personality, non of which a robot can provide a individual with. For instance, an object could never love you genuinely, it could only manipulate a human in a way that the human ‘thinks’ that he/she is in love with a robot.

    Kind regards,
    Dina el Bouhassani

    1. Dear Dina,

      Thank you for your comment on my post! I do indeed agree with your statement about the fact that humans look for affection, emotions, humor and personality and that a robot is not able to fulfill all of these needs. Maybe in the future it will, but for now this remains unknown. On the other hand, I do think that a robot can fulfill needs such as humor and emotions, since it is able to speak and respond to a human being. As I mentioned above, the robot indeed is not able to love back but maybe in the future it will and when that happens it could be of a big potential for robots’ relationships with human beings.

      Kind regards,

      Juju Rovers

      1. Dear Juju,

        No thanks. Yes I think that the abilities of the robot will improve over time. But I still do not think that they will ever be a ‘real’ husband or wife potential. However I agree with you about the fact that they might are able to let us laugh and cry!

        Thanks again!
        Kind regards,
        Dina el Bouhassani

  5. Hi Juju, what an interesting post! To me, it is very counter intuitive to believe that humans can fall in love with a robot. However, when you come to think of it, humans can also fall in love with a person they have met on the internet, and with whom they have only had contact via online messaging services. A chatbot could in essence do exactly the same. When approaching it via this angle, I wouldn’t be surprised if this would happen. On the other hand, I do think there are some factors that will prevent us from falling in love with a robot. With love, physical and sexual attraction comes into play. Robots are already able to show emotions and empathy, but it seems very unlikely to me that the mainstream public will consider robots as physically and sexually attractive. There is this famous hollywood movie that has actually addressed this topic. It’s called ‘Her’, definitely worth watching!

    1. Dear Livia,

      Thank you for your comment on my post! What an interesting insight you brought up. People falling in love through the Internet with a person they haven’t met in real life, is indeed a good comparison to human beings able to fall in love with robots. On the other hand, I do agree with the fact that most people won’t consider robots sexually/physically attractive. Maybe this will change in the future, but for now I think you are right about this. Thanks for the recommendation, will definitely watch it!

      Kind regards,

      Juju Rovers

  6. Hi Juju,

    first, thank you for your interesting post about the potential use of AI in emotional relation-/ partnerships. On the one hand, I think AI could really be used as a life assistant or partner in crime that helps you during your life time. I wouldn’t restrict this only for elderly people. On the other hand I do not think that AI is capable of loving someone. Until now AI’s only way of learning things is data and in my opinion Love cannot be translated into data. Moreover I would really struggle with the definition of my dream AI partner without knowing him in advanced. Nevertheless it is a very interesting and innovative way of illustrating potential future relationships. I’m very curious about your opinion. Could you imagine loving a machine? And If yes how would it look like :D?



    1. Dear Moritz,

      Thank you for your comment on my post and asking for my opinion! In my case, I think I wouldn’t be able to fall in love with a robot at this moment. The reason behind this is that I can’t imagine myself hugging a machine instead of a human being. On top of that, up until now robots are not fully programmed to actually respond to all kinds of subjects. Communication is key in a relationship. Maybe in the future they will be able to fully act like a human being, so never say never!

      Kind regards,

      Juju Rovers

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