Personalized Education – Ipadschool 2.0?




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In 2000, ‘Kunskapsskolan’ opened its first few secondary schools in the Greater Stockholm area. Based on the knowledge that it is unreasonable to teach in the same way at the same pace if you want every student to be successful, Birgitta Ericson and Torbjörn Bindekrans created various new methods that put the student at the center of the learning process – personal goals, personal coaching and personal learning strategies for each individual.

“Our research and development units for curriculum development, Learning Portal development, management/organizational structure, and IT are the core functions for the continuous advancement of the educational program and are the common centers of excellence for all schools.”

Their successful trials with the new ideas at their school made them a name across Sweden and beyond (i.e. Sweden, UK, the Netherlands, India, USA and the Middle East).

Constructed on their shared belief in personalized education, they created an inspired team and developed a completely new teaching and learning model that is unique to ‘Kunskapsskolan’ and has the potential to connect with any curriculum and school around the world – the KED Program (KED stands for Kunskapsskolan Education).

The KED Program is constantly developing based on teachers’ and students’ contributions and experiences. “We are comfortable to try new methods, as we always stay true to the principal idea that everyone is different and learns in different ways, at different rates.” Clearly, this is quite the opposite of the traditional concept for schools in which education is pre-programmed, packaged and delivered in the same way to batches of approximately 25 students per classroom.

The successful expansion of Kunskapsskolan in Sweden attracts great interest worldwide. The KED Program is acknowledged for its academic achievement based on personalized education, and its focus on the knowledge and skills that students need in the future.

Now, to what extend can technology be used in supporting a student’s way of learning? Would you be in favor of or against a worldwide educational system based on KED’s program and principles? Do you envision a mix between the traditional form of education and KED?

Here, the link to their website. Very interesting stuff!

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3 thoughts on “Personalized Education – Ipadschool 2.0?”

  1. Thanks Carli for introducing this interesting education system to us. I personally would have highly appreciated the possibility to have a personalized learning schedule based on my skills and learning speed. If algorithms and AI can help to determine such individualized learning schedules, I think it is a great possibilty which should be leveraged. Especially in primary schools, pupils diverge significantly from each other in their apprehension and while one student might be genius in math, he or she might struggle in grammar. Therefore, it would be best if the time saved on understanding math concepts could be invested in studying grammar. I believe it would also decrease distraction during classes since pupils would not be bored when finishing a task but rather would received tasks which challenge them in the right degree. I think the biggest challenge in implementing such an eduction system is probably the change required in teaching styles. I am curious whether our children will be raised with such an individualized education system.

  2. Very good and interesting piece Carli. I think it is strange to say the least that everyone is taught in the same way, given the differences in human nature. Kunskapsskolan Education seems like an innovative program with the capability to have further impact on worldwide education. In my opinion there is much to gain in more personalized teaching and learning. In addition, the KED program’s focus on skills and knowledge that are required in the future is a very welcome development. When the world is constantly changing, you would say that the educational system should change in response while in reality the traditional form remains dominant. All in all, in response to your question I think a mix between both educational systems can have a positive impact on students’ learning curve, as the traditional system also successful for a reason. Thank you for your post.

  3. Hi Carli,

    Thank you for your interesting post! Very nicely written 🙂

    I agree with your choice of topic; this is highly relevant and important for our future society.
    I believe there are numerous ways digitalization will impact education and I want to elaborate on 1 specific opportunity offered by digital learning (e-learning): adaptive learning and quizzing.

    In the Netherlands, all children of age 12 make the CITO test. This is a test that covers multiple topics and lasts an entire week.

    This test can be frustratring for children below average, because they have to sit still for an entire week and make questions that are hard or them.

    The test can also be frustrating for above average kids, since they have to do excercises that are too easy for them.

    Adaptive quizzing is a form of taking tests that doesnot have a linear path.
    Rather, the second question is determined based on the result of the first.
    In this way, kids can do they entire CITO in 3H. And all kids receive questions on their own level.
    After three hours, al kids are on a different level. The level reached determines the score.

    Very interesting stuff and possibly valuable for the children of the future!

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