Virtual Reality in Business




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Companies like Oculus, HTC, and Samsung more or less affordable and consumer friendly virtual reality (VR) headsets several years ago, however it still has not become mainstream. The issue is the price not only of the headsets, but also of the hardware needed to drive them. On the other hand, businesses have been trying to implement VR in innovative ways.

Some companies promote tourism in virtual way. Instead of travelling to an expensive location far away, customers can put on their headset to go on a VR trip instead. Companies like Cerevo take it even further, using their Taclim VR boots, users can walk on a sandy beach and feel the sandy terrain under their feet (, 2018).

Next way companies use this technology is to let their customers try their product before they buy it. For example, Lowe’s Home Improvement offers their customer to design a perfect kitchen or a bathroom and then look inside and experience it using VR. Another example is Audi, which allows customers to use their VR experience to configure and view their new can virtually.

One of the most important application of VR is training. American retail corporation Walmart partnered with VR creator Strivr to prepare its employees for Black Friday sales. Employees get to experience long queues and crowds to get ready for exceptional events. Oculus developed Virtual Speech, which helps users to practice their public speaking. They can upload their slides, receive real time feedback on the presentation delivery and even experience distractions.

Merging VR with another buzzwords, AI and big data, US company Virtualitics created a virtual platform to help data visualization in 3D. Users can use Virtualitics’ platform to view, analyze and work together in their own VR space, finding new insights into business operations and potential outliers, which need addressing (Finch, 2018).

References, 2018. Virtual Reality Business Use Cses. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 16 October 2018].
Finch, S., 2018. 5 Business Uses of Virtual Reality. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 8 October 2018].

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