Show Me Your Best Robot Dance




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A robot is defined as a machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically, especially one programmable by a computer (Oxford Dictionaries, 2018). This definition is rather broad and do not match the common idea that comes to the general public when we talk about robots.

In fact, in the common language, the word better refers to the definition of humanoids, a human-like robot, or life-like robot, imitating characteristics of living organisms on earth. These robots are currently being designed by technology companies, and extensive research is in progress to further expand their limited current capabilities. In fact, the poor set of skills that most of these humanoids have (or life-like robots) differentiate them from the organisms that they are supposed to be representing. Just a quick look at Sophia the robot interview ( and some of you might be quite reluctant to their development.

Such reaction can make us ask the following question: Given all the benefits AI systems and robots in general can bring to our society, in which ways can developers and promoters improve the general public opinion about these human-like machines?

One of the biggest criticisms made is their lack of empathy, meaning their poor skills to understand emotions, and to communicate emotions in return. Such case is hardly defendable: the current technological progress do not allow us to give emotions to machines made of cables and electronic systems, and it might never happen.

However, even though they cannot connect to us as much as we would like, it is conceivable to be able to connect to them. One way to ensure that it happens is to give those humanoids functionalities that satisfy the entertainment of us, funny humans.

Just watch this robot dance on the Bruno Mars’ song Uptown Funk and you’ll understand what I mean:

Even though such functionalities might not be productive in their core, they will help the integration of robots in our society, and improve their impact by convincing the most reluctant ones among us.




Oxford Dictionaries. (2018). Definition of robot in English by Oxford Dictionaries. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Oct. 2018].

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