eBay: Machine Learning for the perfect listing




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The online auction platform launched a predictive analysis instrument to help private vendors to sell more and better.

Online auction platform eBay, increasingly active on innovating the user experience front, launched a tool that is based on the combination of machine learning, predictive analysis, and structured data. The goal is to help private vendors to sell more and better through an intuitive interface.

Available both in desktop and mobile versions for Android and iOS, the new tool works as follows: it makes a real-time screening of the products currently being sold on the platform and guides the vendor through the creation of his/her own listing. For example, it can provide advice on what would be the most competitive price, the ideal selling option (fixed price, simple auction, auction with reserve price, etc.), which words should be included in the title and the most suitable delivery options.

This represents an important update to the platform, as users ask for ease of use of both the purchasing and selling process. These needs are even more important for private sellers who want to use eBay’s functionalities to do business in a fast and intuitive way. Along these lines, artificial intelligence and machine learning offer innovative and ground-breaking possibilities to ensure that customers have an increasingly better experience.

Private sellers are often more inexperienced and they risk to fill the platform with incomplete or confusing listings. Do you think that this tool could increase the overall quality of the platform’s content?
Could a similar solution be implemented for businesses using eBay to sell their products?

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