Too Lazy To Cycle, But Want To Move Quickly? Use Felyx!




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We are all well-known with the use of the Uber platform, which delivers easy and quick taxi rides. For the more sportive people among us, there is the Mobike available to rent. But, what if you do not feel like cycling and still want to go in a cheap way to the other side of the city, while looking at the surroundings? You can now use Felyx!

Felyx introduced the concept of electronic scooter sharing. They released their business in August 2017. It is the first scooter sharing system in the Netherlands. They started their trial in Amsterdam with a few scooters. It happened to be a huge success and now there are 108 scooters available in Amsterdam. In total they have invested over 4 million euros in the business, which gave them the opportunity to expand to Rotterdam. They launched the scooters in Rotterdam on October 1st and now there are 324 scooters available there.

The app is connected to an innovative platform and is very easy in its use. To start using the app you only need to make an account and registering your driver’s license. When your license is approved you can start using the app. You open the app and select the e-scooter which, most likely, is closest to you, hit the start button and you can go touring around in the city. In exchange of driving the scooter you have to pay 30 cents per minute. Which means you can tour through Amsterdam or Rotterdam for only a few euros, which is much cheaper than using a taxi and you can enjoy a great view of the city!

The founders did a detailed research on all the data available on scooters and found that the Felyx scooter is the best e-scooter on the market. The hardware and software that has been used for the scooter on which all the applications run, has been developed until perfection. The demand for the scooters is more than that is available, one of the founders said that they are “at the top of the European market”. There are a lot of capabilities, potentials for growth and many options for innovation. The way they designed their company gives them the opportunity to immediately adapt changes.


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Author: Kristel van Pinxten


2 thoughts on “Too Lazy To Cycle, But Want To Move Quickly? Use Felyx!”

  1. Hi, Great article about the Felyx, I’ve been seeing them driving around quite a lot in Rotterdam. You’re talking about many options of innovation here, but I’m interested in what are the areas that they could improve on? What are you referring to? I’d love to hear your view on this

  2. Hey Kristel, nice post!

    Lately I see so many of these scooters, and I think it’s a great initiative. I participated in the pilot during August and September, so I had my own Felyx available for me during these months. It was awesome. However, I’m not quite sure what the future of Felyx will look like in Rotterdam. Look what’s happening in Amsterdam for example. They had to remove the scooters because of the inconvenience of all the parked scooters and sharing bikes. Now they are waiting on the response to their statement of defence concerning this issue. And what do you think about all the Felyx scooters that are parked wrongly on campus? During the first weeks they’ll only get a warning, but in a few weeks they will put a chain lock on your scooter and you have to pay a fine. Im wondering who is going to pay for the fine and whether the scooter will be grabbed by another customer that day. Nevertheless, I’ll definitely be using Felyx as long as it’s possible.

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