A View On The Use Of Smart Sensors




The American Gate Burdett and his brother had a mountain bike appointment with their father. While he was on his way to the point they would meet their father, he received a notification on his iPhone that his father’s Apple Watch had detected a ‘hard fall’. Not only this, but the watch also showed a location for his father on the map, close to the place they were supposed to meet. While the brothers Burdett arrived at the spot their father wasn’t there anymore. A while later Burdett received a notification with another location; the hospital (CBS, 2019).

The fall detection added in the last OS of is a great example of a way technology can be used by corporations today. By using smart sensor data, they found a way to increase the safety of the users of their Smart Watch, which has been able to save multiple lives already (Lemereis, D. 2019). So why are people still against sharing data using smart sensors in modern devices?

A lot of the fear people have originated from privacy concerns and other way the data can be used. If data like this will someday get shared with other party’s then Apple and your designated emergency contacts, it is possible that it will be used in a way you won’t like. Let’s take insurance companies for example. The business case of insurance has always been about embracing data (IOT Tech Expo, 2017). If companies like these find a way to use data shared from your Apple Watch to alter the risk assessments of their clients, it will be possible that your insurance premium will be increased if you bump your Apple Watch.

But on the other hand, if examples like Gate Burdett’s father exist, isn’t that enough reason for corporations and individuals to embrace these technologies?

IOT Tech Expo. (2017). IOT Tech Expo. [Online] Available at: https://www.iottechexpo.com/2017/01/insurance/smart-sensors-commercial-insurance-investment-case-iot/ [Accessed 24 Sept].

Lemereis, D. (2019). Bright. [Online] Available at: https://www.bright.nl/nieuws/artikel/4597811/apple-watch-valdetectie-redt-leven-van-bewusteloos-gevallen-noor [Accessed 24 Sept].

Brito, C. (2019). CBS News. [Online] Available at: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/apple-watch-saves-life-hard-fall-apple-watch-series-4-falling-emergency-bob-burdett/ [Accessed 24. Sept].

1 thought on “A View On The Use Of Smart Sensors”

  1. Hi Paul! Interesting to read about the contractive ideas that people have about sharing data through sensors. I agree that in specific circumstances, people will directly benefit from the fact that they shared their data, just like Burdett. But I don’t think that it will eventually be a benefit for the society as a whole. For instance, have a look at how WeChat is literally taking over lives of Chinese citizens. As many of their daily activities are shared with authorities through the platform, they are constantly being watched. As a result, they now get rewarded or punished for their behavior. Personally, I don’t think that this will be a great step forward for humans, as a small group of people could get the opportunity to dictate how others need to behave.

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