The Fifth Screen in Your Life




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In marketing talk the terms “third screen” or “fourth screen” are sometimes heard to describe the historic progression of digital content consumption (from TV and Internet to mobile and digital signage). Basically, these terms are used to help brands and content providers understand the behaviors of how consumers are contextually bouncing around and using different devices interchangeably to engage with their content (Earley, 2018). Nowadays, the lines that define how consumers are using these devices to consume content are blurring and becoming more complex due to devices becoming more interactive and socially connected (Earley, 2018). For example, you start watching a tv show on your phone on the commute from work to home, continue watching it on your tv when you arrive home, chat with friends on the phone about what this mind-bending cliffhanger was about, while you ask Alexa when the next season is going to be premiered. It has begun to become one big, integrated digital content loop.

This is where concept of Digital out of Home (DOOH) makes its appearance. DOOH really is a convenient modern spin on an old idea, as it refers to digital media that appears in environments accessible to the public including billboards, outdoor signage as well as networks of screens found in malls and train stations: you can basically find it everywhere (Côté, 2018). DOOH is considered a valuable marketing asset due to its impressive visibility: its visuals are stunning, but more importantly, there is no way for the audience to skip the ad. A 2015 study by Nielsen even found that 75% of respondents recalled seeing DOOH in the month prior, and 82% of people remembering the specific advertisement (Côté, 2018). Considering advancements in technology, location and data targeting, real-time insights and cross-media functionalities are soon to be – or already are – reality, making DOOH more attractive than it already is, as can be seen in the video below. Do you have any experiences with DOOH? I certainly think they’re much more captivating than traditional advertisement, especially considering that somewhere in the near future you’ll get personalised ads. Because hey, when you can’t skip the ad, you’d better be watching something you like.






Côté, R. (2018) What is DOOH media?. Available at:

Earley, S. (2018) The Fifth Screen – The future of Content Marketing in Mixed Reality. Available at:

Quividi (2018)

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