Developing apps using building blocks




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The role of Internet Technology (IT) is getting more important in our daily life. The challenge for every IT specialist is the growing demand for applications to support and make businesses capable of developing. This is hard to realize due to the amount of work of programming which requires a big budget. Besides that, does not every company include the knowledge and skills of programming to control the complex modern systems in a certain amount of time (Brown 2017).

The Low-code-development could be a solution to this problem. Low-code-development is a software development method which is able to develop apps quickly with a minimum of technical skills (Gillz 2019). Application components, in combination with data and logic, are arranged by a drag-and-drop interface which can be visualized as building blocks. Business analysts or other non-technical employees also called the ‘citizen developers’ are able to make business applications by using the low code platform. Initially, companies used to provide a list of requirements to an engineer, which resulted in more than a hundred codes (Gartner 2019).

There are several advantages by using the low code platforms. The first advantage is the reduced costs due to visualizing of the Lego blocks; developing, adjusting and scaling up and maintaining a business app in a quick way. This results in fewer development hours, and therefore lower development costs (Mendix 2019).

Low code causes fewer bugs. Platforms provide extensive debugging capabilities to program them to work automatically. This results in a significant chance of bugs. Some low-code platforms, like Mendix, provide a standard feedback button. Due to this button, it is easy to localize and report the bugs and to solve the problem (Mendix 2019).

Due to low codes developments, businesses save lots of time in the development process of apps. This time could be used to think ahead and test new ideas with respect to their core business. Due to the visual lego development, it is more accessible to focus on and to realize more business objectives, by having no obstacles of developing traditional codes. The low-code platform will be a coherent part of the development cycle of applications (Mendix 2019).

Brown, R. (2017) Embracing RMAD: How to figure out if low code / no code app development is for you [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Sep. 2019].

Gartner (2019) Citizen Developer [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Sep. 2019].

Gillz (2019) Definitie van low-code development platformen [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Sep. 2019].

Mendix (2019). Why developers should embrace low code [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Sep. 2019].

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2 thoughts on “Developing apps using building blocks”

  1. I think you touch upon a very relevant topic: especially in a time when there is a shortage of developers, low-code platforms can provide a solution. Enabling these so-called ‘citizen developers’ to create applications is the way forward to enable all types of companies to build apps, instead of only the ones large or lucky enough to hire a good developer.

    The additional benefits you mentioned I had never thought about (lesser bugs, reduced costs). All in all, I do not see any drawbacks to these platforms. Maybe someone else does? I’m curious for your opinion!

    1. Hi Josje, thank you for your comment! I needed some time to think about your question but I guess that low code platforms are not suitable for every project. Some projects need the investment of time and money and a high level of customization or interactivity that can only be realized by experienced IT specialists. I am curious if someone else knows some other drawbacks of these platforms, let me know! 🙂

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