The fifth way to travel




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Imaging being able to eco-friendly travel to Paris in 50 minutes. It will become possible in the future with a hyperloop. Companies like Hardt, and EuroTube are trying to further develop the hyperloop and to create a network throughout Europe.


Elon Musk presented the concept of a hyperloop in 2013. It was a reaction on the $66 billon plan of a high-speed railroad between San Francisco and Los Angeles. He predicted his hyperloop would costs $6 billion for that route and be scheduled for 2028. The travel time of the hyperloop in this route is going to be 30 minutes. Musk described the hyperloop as ‘a cross between a Concord and a rail gun and an air hockey table’.


Basically, the hyperloop is a tube with as little air pressure as possible. Magnetic accelerators will propel the pod in the hyperloop forward. Without much air resistance, the pod is able travel at the speed of sound, approximately 1.200 km/h. Also, this low resistance environment in the hyperloop does result in little energy consumption. In small distances, up to 1400 km, it would be eco-friendlier than any other travel method.


EuroTube has a research center in Switzerland. They are trying to develop emerging technologies and standards regarding hyperloops. In 2019-2020 they are making prototypes for key technologies of the hyperloop. In 2021-2033 they will open, AlphaTube, world’s first hyperloop R&D track. In 2026 they project to launch, BetaTube, a 30+ km pilot track for passengers and goods.


The Dutch start-up Hardt received multiple investments, including a €5 million of EIT InnoEnergy. They are trying to realize a European Hyperloop Network, while contributing to 5 SDG’s of the UN. It seems, that they invented and contributed to some crucial technologies developments in realizing a network. These are: the hyperloop switch (to switch lanes/tracks), electro magnetic suspension (enables the magnets to lift the weight of a car, with the energy of a lightbulb), electric propulsion (minimize energy consumption while traveling), and the low pressure environment in the tube.


It is uncertain when a hyperloop network will be realized in Europe. I think, as the Netherlands, we should develop our knowledge about innovative projects, like the Hyperloop. The government should see Hardt’s hyperloop as a prestigious project, and remove some possible future obstacles for Hardt to further develop its technology.

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1 thought on “The fifth way to travel”

  1. Very insightful article Stanley! I’ve been interested in Hyperloop technology for a while now. While I’m fascinated in it, i wonder if it actually be used for commercial travel. Given the extremely high development costs I doubt that commercial Hyperloop travel will be financially viable or affordable in the near future. My best guess is that the technology will first be used for cargo until prices drop and implementation becomes more broad-scaled.

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