Are the insects the meal of the future?




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Will this be a new revolution in the world of culinary experiments? Many specialists argue that the new (and healthy) source of protein should be … insects! Although for most of the consumers this idea may be a little unbelievable, dishes with the addition of insects are a delicacy in many parts of the world. As supporters of such solutions argue, the benefits of eating insects are many.

Can insect eating be healthy?

It turns out that yes, because they contains a lot of minerals. For example, termites, which are rich in iron, or shapely silkworm larvae that cover the daily needs of the human body for copper and vitamin B2. However, eating four crickets is a dose of calcium equivalent to one glass of milk. In addition, most worms contains  80 percent of eatable parts, while chicken contains only 50 percent. Another big advantage is also that meals with insects could provide lower fat and cholesterol content.

Could we eat insects instead of chicken?

Although most of us are not aware of this, the fear that one day we will not be able to afford to buy good quality food. The research into the possibility of using insects as an alternative source of protein has been made. It shows that protein from insects is just as valuable as it is from chicken or pork. Insect protein is already being used, although many of us have no idea that it is in contact with it. Couple of start-ups has already working on introducing this innovation on the market e.g. companies that breeds insects on an industrial scale for food purposes (e.g. feed production).

It is worth mentioning that in Europe there are already several restaurants that serve dishes made of insects, they are currently not very popular, but everyday there have more and more customers. As you can see, our society is developing, more and more people want to take care of not only their own good, but the entire Earth.

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