The Threat of the Digital Age: Naïve uninformed facing privacy issues




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The integrity of citizens is questioned more by the day. Due to new privacy laws and anxious people, more and more companies and governmental institutions have to be wary about their privacy and legacy procedures. The Dutch National government have decided that from August 2021, Dutch passport will no longer contain the citizen service number. This will be replaced by a QR-code containing the “necessary” information of the passport holder without providing irrelevant yet personal information to different parties, according to Right now the number is still visible when people make a copy of their passport or Identity cards. The number will be erased from the passport page and the chip that is located on the front of the passport which is scanned by many instances, who then receive the citizen service number without needing it. The Dutch government are taking strict measures to withhold the abuse of the service number.
This all relates highly to the new privacy happening due to the available of personal data on the internet and online services. By adapting digitally to a QR-code the Dutch government is taking good measurements in assuring more privacy to its citizens. The government believes it will reduce risks and that it is an improvement from the current situation. With the citizen service number on the passport it is much easier for IT hackers to use fraudulent passport without the person knowing that it is happening (McMahon, 2016).
This problem is also seen under elderly who find it difficult to work with hard- and soft-ware. Many social workers help their “clients” with financial or personal related areas. This brings a lot of fraudulent opportunities with it making it a suspicious area. The digital revolution has brought many enlightening opportunities, but these two examples indicate that there are dangerous aspect due to naïve behaviour. Citizens have no idea that their service number are gathered digitally and used for fraudulent practises. Similarly, elderly do not realise that social workers or other who help them with personal registrations can easily use their information for other practises. Thus, digitizing all systems and applications lead to naïve behaviour bringing dangerous threats to those not warned.

McMahon, Shannon. “U.S. Passport Changes Are Coming: Here’s What You Need to Know.” USA Today, Gannett Satellite Information Network, 18 Nov. 2016,
Roerdink, Yvonne. “Hulp Aan Digibeten Schiet Tekort, Identiteitsfraude Ligt Op De Loer.” Nieuwsuur, 22 Feb. 2019,
van Lieshout, Lex. “QR-Code Gaat Burgerservicenummer Vervangen Op Paspoort En Id-Kaart.” NOS, 1 Oct. 2019,

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