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We are currently witnessing a massive disruption in the software industry but a different type of disruption. Indeed, unlike other disruptions that cannibalize existing markets, the upcoming disrupter – low-code or no-code software -guarantees to make software even more omnipresent.

What are Low-code and No-code softwares?
In order to conventionally develop a software, lines of codes need to be written by programmers. These codes are created to conceive the functionality and capabilities wanted in an application for example. Previously, extensive knowledge was required to be able to achieve a professional and customized output. However, low-code and no-code platforms take a different approach to the software development process. Instead of hiring a professional to build a customized software, low-code and no-code platforms are pre-developed softwares that enable small-businesses and people who have no/low programming knowledge to build and test applications by simply dragging and dropping the desired features.

Any Forecasts?
Gartner earlier forecasted that low-code platforms will take up at least 65 percent of all applications development before 2024. This means the majority of apps created in 2024 will be developed using platforms and tools that provide turnkey ways to program. Forrester forecasted that in 2 years, the low-code market revenues will reach $21 billion in spending.

What are the Benefits?
Huge benefits of low-code platforms can be identified. Application development time is drastically reduced, going from taking several months to a few hours or days. Even though low-code platforms still necessitate some knowledge about programming, it remains much faster and cheaper than currently. Contrarily, no-code platforms take the concept even further. Indeed, it literally allows anybody to design an application to their wants as it does not require programming knowledge. Currently, both, low-code & no-code, softwares are considered to be in the same category, but no-code software may become one of its own in the future, since the latter enables anybody to create and design their own applications.

What are the implications?
This implies that current software provider companies are on the verge, unless they are willing to adapt and fight against this upcoming disruption. It will require them to continuously make their solutions simpler to enable better and faster customization. This further implies that a new batch of software platforms will see the light of the day in a short future. As a consequence, customers won’t tolerate long lead time for the creation and customization of their softwares anymore.


Osborne, M. (2020, March 2). Why No-Code and Low-Code Software Is the Industry Disrupter You Should Pay Attention To. Retrieved September 22, 2020, from:

Rouse, M. Low-code and no-code development platforms. Retrieved September 22, 2020, from:

Silverthorne, V. (2016. September 14). Why low-code/no-code platforms are coming to your workplace soon. Retrieved September 22, 2020, from:

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5 thoughts on “NO MORE CODING NEEDED!”

  1. Hi Sacha,

    Very interesting article about low- and no-code applications! I agree with you on most parts, as this new form of development is extremely useful for companies with smaller budgets or lack of programming knowledge. I do believe, however, that there are also some factors that will allow for traditional way of programming and developing to remain relevant. First, there is a lack of customization with low-code app development, potentially requiring changes in business processes to meet the capabilities of the low-code platform. Moreover, when working with legacy systems, low-code applications will allow for limited integration, creating a trade-off between custom integration and development speed. Another downside of low-coding is that you will get tied to the low-code platform as you are completely integrated in their cloud-based platform. Consequently, it will be more difficult to hire software engineers when you wish to customize your application with features that the low-code platform does not offer. Furterhmore, the creation of an API is very limited in most low-code platforms. Lastly, there might be some security or reliability issues because you don’t have complete control over the application’s code and you have not written it. I wonder what your take is on some of these concerns!

    I believe that time and further development of these platforms will ensure that many of these issues will be tackled. If so, I agree that low-code or no-code might be the future for many companies!


  2. Interesting post Sacha! Personally, I think this development will especially be beneficial for companies in the startup phase, or companies starting to become more digital. As rightfully mentioned, it will allow a company to create a digital interface fast and without having to spend a lot of money. This also makes it easier for companies to do some prototyping and other tests to see and verify if there proposed ideas and business models are valid. In general, the low code or no-code software lowers the entry barriers and will stimulate new companies to emerge.

    Although this development is great for new companies, it might be problematic for established firms. A lot of their systems are highly customized, making it difficult to make use or adapt to this new way of coding. I also believe that startups using no-coding tools, eventually, do want to customize specific features. But the no-coding movement definitely looks promising!

  3. Hey Sacha — super interesting read about the prevalence of no code software in today’s software development efforts. I myself am a big fan of this solution! For starters, I would like to address some of the more popular critics in regards to this. A lot of people see ‘no-code’ as the easy way out, but we need to get rid of this perception that harder to do is always better. Soon, we all could be ‘makers’ ourselves without needing to have an extensive engineering background but making use of those who do to build standard solutions.

    This takes me to the next criticism of no customization available by using ‘no code’ to build your software. When it comes to ‘personalized’ requirements I have to say I agree that they are important. No business functions the same way and every software has it’s twists and turns. However, as mentioned this would aid common users or smaller sized companies to be creators themselves rather than facilitate big projects involving complex systems. In addition, no code could be used only for some parts of the projects (e.g interface design), or parts where standard solutions are in place (e.g authentication).


  4. Hi Sasha, that is indeed a very interesting topic and insightful discussion that you have started here!

    No-code/low-code truly seems something that could change industry dynamics, although it is difficult to predict to what extent there will be a shake up – as Cas also rightfully pointed out, I also agree that there will always be the need of certain flexibility and customization.

    An interesting way of seeing it is to think about the existing programming languages: while Python and other high-level languages have made programming much more simple to learn and relatable to human language, as soon as a program is needed a layer below software (for instance, architecture) low-level languages, which are extremely complicated and difficult to grasp, are still more efficient. This is due to the level of detail they can codify instructions. Similarly, other solutions were developed to lower the barriers for people and companies to be able to make their hands dirty and create a usable solution in little time. This very own blog was made in WordPress, a solution that made the web development process much more simple. Nevertheless, this has not disrupted the web development industry either – as soon as more complicated solutions are required, professional or in-depth technical expertise is still required.


  5. Hi Sasha,

    Super interesting topic you picked for your post. I myself work in a ProTech company and am automating most of the internal processes for the company with a low-code website called Zapier (similar to Integromate, Automate, Workato, …). I am not a programmer but was able to create some big projects with a lot of automated steps, so I am a big fan of it. Some aspects you didn’t mention in your post, that are probably also going to influence the low-code/no-code websites is the rise of people wanting to be independent, and create their own ideas, which enables them to try out new business models without inquiring high costs. This makes a huge difference to having to raise funds in order to start an idea which you don’t even know whether it will succeed. Another implication is that in the long run, the whole no-code/low-code users will slowly replace actual programmers. In some specific cases, what is the point of hiring an expensive programmer, if a lambda person can do it for half the price. And who knows, maybe the no-code/low-code industry will develop so far, that programmers will be replaced entirely?

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