‘Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger’ is not just a Daft Punk song anymore




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Everyone remembers Schwarzenegger in Terminator — his role as a cyborg assassin fell nothing short of what we expected, giving us a glimpse of a world where the distinction between humans and machines is blurry.

Combining humans and machines has long been the realm of science fiction, but thanks to technology such as neuroscience, nanotechnology, machine learning, and 3D printing, it may soon be a reality. According to Gartner’s Hype Cycle from Emerging Technologies, human augmentation is one of the most transformational impactful trends for the future.

As long as there have been humans, there have been dreams of superhumans. Technological advancements such as bionics, brain-computer interfaces, and neurotechnology, as well as artificial intelligence, have made it possible for machines and humans to work alongside one another, meaning that technology could soon be making changes both inside and outside the body.

Gene-editing techniques such as CRISPR are currently at their early stages and bring with them a multitude of ethical considerations, but with the first human clinical trials beginning this year, they could soon become an option for treating medical conditions. Immunity to diseases? The end of disability? Impeccable memory? Enhanced vision? Superior physiological performance? These are only a few of the things that could happen thanks to biotechnology.

I for one am excited about what is to come and can only hope to be a witness to the realm of possibilities human augmentation will come with.







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2 thoughts on “‘Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger’ is not just a Daft Punk song anymore”

  1. Hey Klea, interesting read! You describe a world which will be available very soon in the form of a new video game called ‘Cyberpunk 2077’. As the title suggests, this game will take place in the future, where people are able to advance their body with machines and software. It will be interesting to see the developers’ vision on this subject. Personally, I am excited to see how this will play out in the future, but I do have some concerns about the ethical issues that may arise. My main concern is the inequality of the distribution of these augmentations and enhancements in the future. We might have super humans created by wealthy people here in the west, while people from a lower socio-economic status or people in less developed countries cannot afford these enhancements. This may contribute to the increase in economic inequality. Moreover, what about the potential emergence of a black market for these type of technological advancements. And who will be responsible of the decisions made by superhumans, the creator or the humans themselves? Curious to hear your thoughts on this!

    1. Hey Florian! Te pershendes — haha. The issue of disparity has been and will always remain a key issue in regards to any advancement in our society, be it technological or something else. It also leaves me wondering if we still haven’t managed to successfully distribute wealth equally and efficiently, will ever get to the point where other benefits can be without inhibiting innovation? I’m afraid I’m still pondering on the question myself. Thanks for your comment!

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