IoT transforming businesses




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The Internet of Things (IoT) describes a “system of systems”. More specifically it is a network of internet-enabled objects that has software, sensors, and network connection that allow them to connect and exchange data. IoT devices as of now have the ability to monitor how we sleep, work out, eat, and much more. Truth be told, a significant number of us are now acquainted with most of these gadgets: consider devices like the Fitbit, Apple watch or even voice-enabled smart assistants such as Siri or Alexa that are integrated into our daily lives.


Also, IoT for Businesses has a huge potential. Smartphones for example enable employees to have their own portable office which allows them to be able to work from any place they want at any time. Further, areas of application can be linked to workplace safety by allowing to lock your office via your smartphone or building comfort by allowing to schedule meetings or book rooms via tablets that are connected to the company network. Therefore, everyone that is connected to this network will get a notification on his/her device and his up to date with the bookings. Moreover, companies can save cost by integrating things such as Nest Thermostat which is an intelligent system that can adjust air conditioning and heater from overuse and lower the energy consumption. However, this is only a small portion of what is possible. Nevertheless, such great benefits are always paired with at least some drawbacks. First, tracking and monitoring employees in the workplace involves privacy and data issues that most businesses have not faced before. Companies might be able to track location history, sometimes without clear employee opt-in. Therefore, the privacy challenges will grow as the adoption of this technology is rising. Furthermore, cybersecurity risks will also increase in proportion to the rapid development of this technology. Therefore, proper communication and training is essential for employees.
Concluding, I would claim that IoT is the merger of the physical and digital world which creates new modes of collaboration, intelligence sharing and business efficiency. However, one of the important factors to keep in mind is privacy and with that also the linked cybersecurity threat.

What is your take on IoT? Do you already use it at work?


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