Using TikTok as a digital marketing strategy for your company




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You have probably heard of the app called TikTok. It is an app, mostly used by generation Z, where people can share videos of themselves doing dances, challenges, lip-sync videos, etc. Since it’s launch four years ago, it has experienced a remarkable growth and counts over 800 million active users as of today. This makes TikTok one of the most popular social network sites.

With this extensive amount of users it will be attractive for companies to use this platform as a marketing strategy. Statistics show the app has an engagement of 29%, whereas the big competitor Instagram only has an engagement around 5%. As there aren’t many advertisers using this platform yet, the competition will be considered as low.

The use of videos increases in multiple aspects of our lives, making it really impactful. Nowadays, consumers spend an average of 16 hours a week on watching online videos. This is an increase of 52% compared to two years ago and the predictions are that this will keep increasing. That is why it is interesting for companies to invest in video content.

In the Netherlands, a company called Fisherman’s Friend recently launched an advertisement on TikTok, targeted at the younger audience. With this ad they received around 2.8 million unique views, 21.000 likes and hundreds of reaction within just a few days. This ad resulted in way more interaction and a bigger reach than the company ever experienced before with a single advertisement.

As a company it is important to stay up to date to the latest trends and anticipate to these trends as quickly as possible. Be aware of the opportunities that digital platforms, like TikTok, offer at the moment. Use platforms with a huge reach that can contribute most to the growth of your brand awareness.



Adwise. (2020). TikTok – waarom je als bedrijf de app niet zomaar moet vergeten. Retrieved from Adwise:

Campbell, J. (2020). Waarom TikTok essentieel is voor je digital marketing strategie. Retrieved from Emerce:

Secreve, B. (2020). Hoe zet ik TikTok in voor mijn bedrijf? Retrieved from Emerce:

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2 thoughts on “Using TikTok as a digital marketing strategy for your company”

  1. Hi Lisa, thank you for your contemporary blog about TikTok. There is so much fuss regarding this app, especially in the US. Therefore, I would have liked to read more in your post about the ‘battle’ between China and the VS and the reason Trump prohibited TikTok. That is a very interesting and political discussion.
    Besides, you named your blog ‘Using TikTok as a digital marketing strategy for your company’ but I find it more of a general description of TikTok than an explanation of the way companies uses TikTok as a digital marketing strategy. That is very shortly explained.

  2. Dear Lisa,
    I did not know that the engagment rate of TikTok is that much higher compared to Instagram. Very intersting fact! I totally agree with you that companies should stay up to date and be aware of new business opportunities such as TikTok. However, I am wondering how companies can advertise their products on TikTok, since it is mostly videos? Do you think many companies will use TikTok in order to advertise their products in the future?

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