Is social media making you lonely?




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Leveraging on all the hype on the Netflix documentary the Social Dilemma lately, I would like to talk about how social media is not only starting to control our life and the decisions we’re making – but it is also starting to affect our mental health. Social media was created with the initial goal of making users share experiences and feel connected; but recently, a study from the University of Pittsburgh and other universities have shown that excessive social media use is linked to feelings of social isolation. Especially negative social media experiences were strongly correlated with loneliness.

Obviously, using social media in moderate amounts (30 min per day) and to initiate offline connections has its benefits. Yet, in the digital era, people can spend up to 60 hours a week on social media; this is especially realistic in the time of Covid-pandemic where one can be highly tempted to spend his/her free time on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. Studies however show that excessive use of these platforms can induce social anxiety and fear of missing out, thus contributing to social anxiety. Especially adolescents and young adults can be suspectable to these issues. According to a 2017 survey of college students, up to 65% of them has said that they felt very lonely in the previous year. For example, the nature of Facebook posts causes one to compare his/her life with others; moreover, Twitter can take an emotional toll on you if involved in heated discussions.

Hereby, I would like to raise this important issue with everyone and be mindful about the consequences of social media. From the documentary the Social Dilemma we have been reminded that social media is taking control over our daily decisions; however, be mindful about how it can also affect your mental health.



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4 thoughts on “Is social media making you lonely?”

  1. I think it is good that you raised this concern. Personally, I have not been on social media anymore after I watched the documentary “The Social Dilemma”. I agree that social media has a negative effect on the mental health of young people and I think that most people are not even aware of it. This because social media has been in our lives for a long time and we simply don’t know how we felt without it. I think people should try to limit the time on social media to experience the positive effects of it.

  2. Social media like everything else has benefits and disadvantages. In order to draw a line before it become an obsession and generates more negative than positive effects, some initiatives are making their apparition. For instance, on iPhone it is now possible to know how much time you spend on your phone and more specially on each social media application on your phone. You can also compare the results with other iPhone users. Everyone should become aware of what a “healthy” amount of social media is for him or her. Furthermore trying to distance yourself form your phone during a couple of weeks could make you realize if you feel better or worst in that way.

  3. Hi stella!

    Nice post on the social dilemma. I agree with the facts you have given about the increase of perceived loneliness and that there are more people who suffer from social anxiety in this time.

    All because of social media..?

    When we were kids we probably went out to play football or cowboy, princess etc. Now a days an eight year old can explain how an iPad works. They have become more and more technology-smart and also dependent.
    Primary schools use iPads and Chromebooks.. kids need to make their homework on the computers..
    Everything is becoming more and more technologically based. We can order food by apps instead, we can pay through apps etc.. instead of just coming by and having to talk to someone.

    In my opinion, of course social media causes loneliness and social anxiety, but I think the underlying cause is actually technology in general and social media strengthens this ‘loneliness’ affect through comparison and the fear of missing out, but the underlying cause is technology.

    Of course technology also helps communication (phone, being more mobile with airplanes and trains to meet other people from around the world), but this is mostly non-physical.

    There is another point which comes to my mind. Of course the problem of loneliness and social anxiety comes from the dependency on social media and technology in general, but I don’t think this is going to be helped.. Instead I think it is only going to be more and more.

    Think about digital platforms, technologies like Robotics and AI.. For example, WeChat makes it possible to do everything with your phone. With WeChat, there is no need for calling or coming by a restaurant to reserve a table. No need to look at a waiter to be able to tell them what you would like to have. There are no waiters, everything is digitzed. Everyone walks right pas each other without even saying hi, nothing like the good old days where you could/would casually talk to a stranger like some of our grandparents still do (cringe+awkward). This disappears and technologies make sure we don’t have to interact any more. The reservation, the order, paying.. everything is done by looking at your phone and technology.

    Social media that causes loneliness and social anxiety is only the beginning..

    Of course this sounds dark, but I truly think technology is only going to make us more technology dependent and it is eventually going to make it unnecessary for us to interact physically.

    What do you think?

  4. Hi stella,
    Thank you for the interesting read. I watched the documentary “the social dilemma” too. I agree that it is shocking wat the effects of social media could be when used too much or in another inappropriate way. Also, I agree that social media takes control our every day life. However, on the other hand, no social media is almost impossible. In fact, if you are not on social media these days you “miss out”. So, how in your few should social media be used in ones everyday life without harming your mental health?

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