Hey Podcast Lover! Have You Heard Of Lex Fridman?




As BIM-student, it is very likely that you are interested in topics like coding, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, human-robotic interaction, or Autonomous Vehicles. If by any chance you also enjoy listening to podcasts, you might be in luck:

I highly suggest you to check out the Lex Fridman Podcast.


Lex Fridman is an AI research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, often better known as MIT. He works on developing deep learning approaches to human sensing, scene understanding, and human-AI interaction. He is particularly interested in applying these technologies in the field of Autonomous Driving.


If you know the Joe Rogan Experience, you likely are already familiar with Lex. Having worked for both Google and Tesla, Lex Fridman understands the business application of digital technologies. He uses his podcast to share this knowledge with his audience and discusses his fascination with a variety of interesting guests. This can be particularly interesting for us as Business Information Management students, as we also form the future bridge between business ventures and technological innovation. The podcast discusses similar topics like we get taught in class, sometimes going more in depth, with international research experts in those particular fields.

If you enjoy podcasts, these are some examples of Lex Fridman Podcast episodes that I highly recommend you to give a listen as a BIM-student:

  • Episode #31 with George Hotz: Comma.ai, OpenPilot, Autonomous Vehicles.
    Famous security hacker. First to hack the iPhone. First to hack the PlayStation 3. Started Comma.ai to create his own vehicle automation machine learning application. Wants to offer a $1000 automotive driving application, which drivers can use on their phone.


  • Episode #49 with Elon Musk: Neuralink, AI, Autopilot, and the Pale Blue Dot.
    Elon Musk. Tech entrepreneur and founder of companies like Tesla, SpaceX, PayPal, Neuralink, OpenAI, and The Boring Company.


  • Episode #114 with Russ Tedrake: Underactuated Robotics.
    Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Aeronautics and Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering at MIT.


  • Episode #120 with François Chollet: Measures of Intelligence.
    French Software Engineer and researcher in Artificial Intelligence, who works for Google. Author of Keras – keras.io – a leading deep learning framework for Python, used by organisations such as CERN, Microsoft Research, NASA, Netflix, Yelp, Uber, and Google.

These were just several examples of episodes that I enjoyed myself.

The benefit of a podcast is that you can listen it basically anywhere, and can stop listening at any time. If you are not familiar with podcasts yet or with the listening experience they offer, maybe the Lex Fridman Podcast could be your first step into this experience.

You can find the episodes of the Lex Fridman Podcast here: https://lexfridman.com/podcast/

Or check out Lex Fridman’s Youtube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/lexfridman

The above sources have been used as sources for this post.

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6 thoughts on “Hey Podcast Lover! Have You Heard Of Lex Fridman?”

  1. Hi Tim,

    Thanks for this blogpost, I was already familiar with Lex Fridman and his podcast so it is great to see that others are listening to it as well. Great idea to share this!

    It is interesting to see his podcast fanbase grow significantly over the past period, especially after him changing the name of the podcast from “The AI podcast” to “The Lex Fridman podcast”. Joe Rogan recommended him to do so, as he touches upon a breadth of different topics that extend beyond AI as well. I think this was a great move, and it’s nice to see the amount of regular listeners grow accordingly. It allows for his interesting personality to become even more of an asset, on top of the great tech-related conversations he provides.

    I haven’t listened to some of the episodes you recommended yet, so I will definitely check those out. Thank you!


    Julie Oud

  2. Hi there Julie,

    Thank you for your reply. Lex Fridman has indeed received increasing attention, especially after Joe’s recent 100 million move to Spotify. I wanted to contribute to this increasing following by spreading awareness among fellow BIM-students. I know first hand the enjoyment that podcasts can offer. Being both educational, as well as entertaining, while being convenient in that the listening session can easy be paused. I think Lex and his guests touch a great deal of interesting topics with regards to Business Information Mangement, so hopefully this post reaches some students who will give some of the episodes I recommended (or any of his many other great ones) a try.

  3. Hi Tim, thanks for the nice post!!

    You briefly mentioned The Joe Rogan Podcast in your post, and that is also how I got to learn about Lex Fridman. As an avid Joe Rogan fan, I would like to share some of my favourite ‘BIM-related’ Joe Rogan podcasts. Here are some of my favourite episodes (next to the Lex Fridman episode) of The Joe Rogan Experience:

    – #1258 – Jack Dorsey, Vijaya Gadde & Tim Pool: “Jack Dorsey is a computer programmer and Internet entrepreneur who is co-founder and CEO of Twitter, and founder and CEO of Square, a mobile payments company. Vijaya Gadde serves as the global lead for legal, policy, and trust and safety at Twitter. Tim Pool is an independent journalist”

    – #1169 – Elon Musk: we all know who he is 😉

    – #1309 – Naval Ravikant: “Naval Ravikant is an entrepreneur and investor. He is the CEO and founder of AngelList. He has invested in over 100 companies including Uber, FourSquare, Twitter, SnapLogic and Yammer”


  4. Hi Nathan,

    Thank you for these recommendations and I really like that you have shared them. I haven’t listened/watched the episodes of the JRE with Jack Dorsey, Vijaya Gadde, Tim Pool, or Naval Ravikant yet, so I will 100% make sure to check those out.

    The JRE offers such a variety of interesting guests, it is sometimes hard to make a pick, so these recommendations are very welcomed. This was exactly the reason for me to write this blog post. Sometimes all one needs is a good recommendation.

  5. Thank you Tim for these recommendations! I will definitely check him out! I think that using his knowledge to spread education and awareness about AI is a great idea. As we saw in the presentation for the 50th anniversary of RSM, lack of leadership in data is still an issue. Lex Fridman is normalizing and making more accessible for people to learn about data even before reaching the job market. These kind of educative podcast could also be used as complement during the online education programs that a lot of people are following. Looking forward to listen to what he has to say!

  6. Thanks Tim, I’ll definitely give the one with George Hotz a try. George Hotz is a really interesting guy, so it would be interesting to watch a podcast from someone else that truely understands the subject.
    If I can return the favour by recommending some relevant podcasts I’ve been really into lately:
    – Data Skeptic, a podcast about data science, statistics and machine learning. It’s quite a good introduction to a lot of machine learning problems.
    – Paid Search Podcast, a podcast where two experts talk about Google Advertising and a lot of their real life experiences, tips and tricks on how to optimize your google advertising campaigns.
    – Darknet Diaries by Jack Rhysider, this is a podcast about hacking, cyber crime and data security, really interesting stuff.

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