Can VR (clones) make you more productive?




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With the recent changes in the way where and how we work due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and the ever-increasing remote working opportunities. One might wonder what the next step in productivity might be. The answer might lie in the world of virtual reality. With big names in the tech industry such as Mark Zuckerburg saying that: “VR is the platform we’ll all be working off of 20 years from now.”  The benefits that come with using VR as a platform would be for employees, not having to be physically available to perform certain tasks such as inspection which can be seen as safer/time-efficient and above all less expensive. Next to this employees might be able to create their own working environment in virtual reality which could suit any of their personal preferences such as being able to look at 3d models and or practising on particular actions without having the risk of actually screwing something up, which might be really beneficial in the health sector. However, the biggest benefit of virtual reality in the future might lie in the possibility of it harbouring a virtual digital presence which might be able to perform tasks and operations for you with later reporting its actions back to the real you. This would effectively help you save time and alleviate pressure on you as an individual. The possibilities are endless, however, of course, you will have to keep a close eye on this assistant due to the machine potentially taking faulty actions. If this idea seems like a far stretch for you google recently already unveiled a digital assistant which answered phonecalls on a companies behalf. So do not be surprised if in a couple of years you will be talking to a robot instead of your beloved colleague.

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