Gene writing: The potential to (re)write our future




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Since the discovery of DNA in the mid-19th century and the complete sequencing of the human genome in 2003, genome (or gene) editing has made great strides in the biological field. A decade later in 2015, scientists and later Nobel Prize winners Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna pioneered the revolutionary gene editing technique CRISPR. CRISPR gene editing uses an enzyme that works like molecular scissors to alter/edit targeted sections of DNA and turning genes on or off without altering their sequence (Balch, 2021).

The ability to cut DNA where you want has revolutionized the life sciences,” said Pernilla Wittung Stafshede, member of the Nobel chemistry committee. Clinical trials are under way to use the technique to treat sickle cell anaemia, hereditary blindness, and cancer. The two scientists along with others in the field, have launched a generation of biotechnology companies focused on developing techniques to achieve these goals (Ledford & Callaway, 2020).

The emergence of a new method

With dozens of clinical trials currently in progress, CRISPR is just getting started. Meanwhile one company is making its way to rewrite the future of genetics disease. Tessera Therapeutics, a Massachusetts based biotechnology start-up has spent the past few years developing a new class of ‘molecular manipulators’ capable of doing lots of things CRISPR can do and some that it can’t. They call this method ‘gene writing’. Despite CRISPR’s therapeutic potential, the technology does have its limitations. It is useful for deleting problematic genes, but it is less effective at replacing them. This means that only certain inherited conditions can be treated this way (Jimenez, 2021). It is also better suited for editing genes in the lab, outside the body, than in living organisms (Houser, 2020). The possibility of editing (or rather writing) genes resulted in a team of researchers led by Harvard to successfully treat sickle cell disease in mice. This advancement could one day lead to a possible cure of the deadly inherited blood disorder that affects more than 300,000 newborns each year (Siliezar, 2021).

DNA being the code of life as we know it, the opportunity to be able to make modifications with very high precision to a subset of cells in your body is going to be applicable to diseases in every therapeutic area,” said Tessera CEO Geoffrey von Maltzahn. The gene writing approach is based on mobile genetic elements, or MGEs, a class of genes that turns out to be the most abundant category of genes in nature (Al Idrus, 2021). Recent work reveals that many organisms use MGEs for specialised functions, one that depends on its ability to move around the genome and modifying the DNA sequence in the process (Jhonsa, 2020).

To accelerate its development, Tessera attracted over $230 million in financing in 2020 (Novak, 2021). This surely contributes to Tessera’s mission of delivering on the full potential of genetic medicine. This investment indicated genuine interest in the potential of gene writing and will accelerate the company’s ability to position multiple therapeutic programs for clinical development. Using computational and high-throughput laboratory platform has enabled the team to design, build, and test thousands of engineered and synthetic MGEs for writing and rewriting the human genome.

RNA-based gene writing could go where CRISPR-based editing can not and one day Tessera hopes their method will surmount the limitations of gene editing and gene therapy and cure genetic diseases by rewriting DNA.


Balch, B., 2021. A conversation with Jennifer Doudna, PhD, developer of CRISPR gene-editing technology. Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). Available at:
[Accessed 26 September 2021].

Ledford, H. & Callaway, E., 2020. Pioneers of revolutionary CRISPR gene editing win chemistry Nobel. Nature Portfolio. Available at:
[Accessed 26 September 2021].

Jimenez, D., 2021. Gene writing: The future of genetic medicine?. Available at:
[Accessed 27 September 2021].

Houser, K., 2020. Gene writing: A new type of genetic engineering. Freethink. Available at:
[Accessed 27 September 2021].

Siliezar, J., 2021. New gene-editing technique shows promise against sickle cell disease. The Harvard Gazette. Available at:
[Accessed 27 September 2021].

Al Idrus, A., 2021. Tessera Therapeutics scores $230M to ramp up ‘gene writing’ tech to cure disease. Fierce Biotech. Available at:
[Accessed 27 September 2021].

Jhonsa, R., 2020. Tessera Therapeutics Aims to Rewrite DNA with New Age Gene Manipulators. Gene Online. Available at:
[Accessed 27 September 2021].

Novak, J., 2021. Tessera Therapeutics Attracts Over $230M in Series B Financing to Advance ‘Gene Writing’ – A New Category in Genetic. Bloomberg. Available at:
[Accessed 27 September 2021].

Featured image credits: Vincent Yau

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2 thoughts on “Gene writing: The potential to (re)write our future”

  1. Hi Vincent,
    Thank you for your post, I found it very interesting! I had never heard of CRISP before, but I think gene writing is a technology with huge potential. If the correct method is found, people with certain deseases can be cured this way, that is great!

    I did a little reasearch myself about the actual adoption of these methods, and found a study from De Luca et al (2020), who found a way to detect the necessary gene fusions and splicing for curing patients with non-small cell lung cancer. I can imagine that there would be more research like this done for various deseases once RNA-based gene writing really takes off. Imaginge a world in which cancer can be cured this way.

    You mentioned that there are large investments in this technology, and I hope they will continue to do this to improve this technology and make a worldwide impact in healthcare one day.

    [De Luca, C., Pepe, F., Iaccarino, A., Pisapia, P., Righi, L., Listì, A., … Malapelle, U. (2021). RNA-Based Assay for Next-Generation Sequencing of Clinically Relevant Gene Fusions in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Cancers, 13(1), 139. doi:10.3390/cancers13010139]

    1. Hi there Desiree,
      I’m glad the post was informative to you. The study of De Luca et al, is very interesting. Gene fusions, implies so called ‘biomarkers’, which are essentially predictors for certain anomalies (e.g., tumour tissue). These anomalies in turn can indicate the risk to develop a certain type of cancer. NGS enables these fusions. The same principle for identifying biomarkers also applies to CRISPR. In fact, both NGS and CRISPR are promising techniques that already complement one another. For example, NGS is used to prevent bias and provide accurate evaluation of CRISPR events. In case of detecting cancers, this means that it provides more reliable results while detecting the fusions, as De Luca et al did.

      Fortunately more studies are being developed, meaning that different kinds of cancers are being studied with these technologies. With the right tools, investments and of course people, many debilitating disease could be cured, detected on time, or even prevented.

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