Artifical intelligence and the travel industry




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The travel industry is growing more and more every year. It’s expected that by 2037 the number of air passengers will hit the 8.2 billion. Travelling seems to be the most normal thing in today’s life. Artificial Intelligence (AI) ensures the travel industry to grow that fast. What are the different applications of AI in the travel industry? How does AI help the travel industry to grow that quick and how will it help the industry in the future?

First of all, the most known AI application is personalized recommendations. It’s one of the most valuable ones, because it reaches customers at a high ratio. Let’s take the platform Skyscanner as an example to explain how AI works. This travel agency uses machine learning algorithms to analyze customer data and use this analysis to provide suggestions automatically. Let’s say that a customer looks for a trip from Amsterdam to London. The platform will automatically suggest hotels in London thanks to AI.

Another AI application, which helped the travel industry to develop is facial recognition. This is a software which can identify and verify a person’s identity by analyzing and interpreting pattern on someone’s face. Let’s take check-ins as an example. Many airports use facial recognition technologies to reduce time at the check-ins. The system compares the features of the patterns from someone’s face with a database to determine similarities. This is also called artificial neural networks.

Another type of AI application in the travel industry are chatbots. These are computer programs which use predefined scripts to bring the customer experience to another level. These chatbots capture patterns within incoming questions or messages and use these patterns to provide an answer to the customer. These chatbots use natural language processing so that the machine can get an understanding of the text.

It’s expected that Artificial Intelligence will help the travel industry to provide more personalized services and fulfil more individual needs. Wearable health measurement devices together with AI will ensure mobile application to track a passenger’s health condition and, in this way, provide a safer service. This could be less crowded paths on the fly or the suggestion of safer destinations.

Altogether it can be concluded that the travel industry is growing enormously thanks to the concept of Artificial Intelligence. There are so many things where AI has an important share in the improvement of the customer experience. This makes travelling more attractive and it ensures that the industry will grow more in the future.


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