How obsolete can humankind become?




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The rapid evolution of automation, machine learning and AI has prompted a lot of questions regarding humankinds’ future. Will machines be able to take over any job? Is my job safe? Are we looking at a society with above 50% unemployment? What other impacts will this have on humans? What are the challenges that come with “robots”?

The development has ignited governments to rethink. In 2016, the Swiss went to the voting machines to vote over income to all citizens regardless of employment. The result? A solid “No”. The swiss government’s argument was that if machines were to take more and more jobs, the unemployment rate would increase. In a society, the economy is reliant on sellers and buyers. With such a high rate of unemployment, fewer people would be able to buy, leading to a decrease in the flow of money. Which would inevitably damage the economy and society. The argument behind the proposed change becomes more and more relevant as AI and machines improve. However, is this a good solution? Could that lead to a “Wall-E” type world where all you do is “chill” day-in and day-out?  

“I do not find this a promising future, as I do not find the prospect of leisure-only life appealing. I believe that work is essential to human well-being”. – Moshe Vardi on machines substituting humans.

Moshe Vardi, a computer scientist at Rice university, argues that the negative projections of human labor would be highly damaging to society. The continuously difficult question “what is the meaning of life” is today answered through working. Working hard to achieve things brings out a satisfaction of accomplishment. With a lot of middle-class jobs on the brink of being replaced more people would find less value in life. Vardi, argues that this is humankinds’ biggest challenge yet. How do we coexist with machines? Could humans find another purpose than working?

Of course, machines are not going to overtake every job on the market right away. The development takes time and most likely humans are going to be required for certain jobs. However, anticipating the future is impossible. Which means it is even more important to think about the possibilities and challenges it might hold. It could be an idea to venture outside and start focusing on alternatives to working or reshape how we look at working. What are your thoughts on the matter? How obsolete can humankind become?


Leetaru, K. (2016). Will AI and Robots make humans obsolete? Forbes. Retrieved from

Rice University. (2016). When machines can do any job, what will humans do? Human labor may be obsolete by 2045. ScienceDaily. Retrieved from

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