The echo chamber effect of social media




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In our daily life, the information we gather can be retracted from different sources and is able to offer different perspectives. However, with the current algorithms of social media, these different perspectives may be difficult to stumble upon. 

Wondering why? It is because the algorithms that lie at the basis of social media are most likely creating an echo chamber. This is quite an abstract concept, but the definition of an echo chamber is an environment in which people only are provided information and perspectives that align, reflect or reinforce the opinions they already have. This effect is reinforced by the confirmation bias of humans, which can be defined as favoring information that confirms the already existing beliefs and opinions. 

The algorithms that guide the content shown to you on social media, are systems that enable personalization in order to show everyone content that they are actually interested in. However, this personalization also causes you to only view certain topics, while others are filtered out since they do not match you data profile. Furthermore, information, perspectives and opinions that reflect your own beliefs are shown, because they match your data profile. Social media thus creates a filter bubble, a type of echo chamber that is created by algorithms that keep track of your scrolling behavior, in order to show content that you have already shown interest in. Your personal beliefs are reinforced as a result and this can cause social and political polarization and extremism.

Another problem is that these echo chambers are very difficult to discover, especially if you are already in one. However, there are some way to avoid or diminish the echo chamber effect, though it is up to us to encourage our lazy brains to search for different angles and opinions. We need to make it a habit to check multiple sources and websites that offer different angles, in order to obtain more objective or diverse information, despite the fact that this will probably consume more of our time. We also need to surround ourselves with people with divergent opinions from our own and should not be afraid to start a discussion about a topic in order to find new perspectives. It is furthermore advised that you are aware of the presence of fake news and the echo chamber. And in the end remember, just because you want something to be true, does not mean it is actually the truth and certainly not the only truth.

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