Low code/no code – future of code/less systems?




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Recently, we can see a rising trend of new low-code / no-code platforms on the market that allow you to create software without the need to know any programming language. More and more companies use such platforms and see no need to hire programmers. But is this really the future of the market?(Kissflow, n.d.)

The term low-code-no-code refers to platforms that allow customers or consumers to create complex systems with a mouse click, drag-and-drop, or even natural language. The bottom line is that no software development expertise is needed. But why do we consider this approach appropriate and beneficial in so many industries? Here are five reasons why the low-code-no-code approach is so successful ( ZDNet ):

  • The cost of hiring IT professionals is rising
  • The complexity of operational business processes that must be configured in IT systems is increasing
  • End-user pressure is increasing for more products with a short time to market, requiring rapid development and high dynamics of implementations
  • Complex products require close feedback from companies and product owners
  • The traditional cycle (i.e. requirements – business analysis – technical analysis – development – testing) is increasingly unsustainable

Certainly low-code / no-code platforms will not cause an increasing wave of unemployment among IT professionals. Even though companies may benefit from lower operational costs where such platforms will automate the work of several specialists, there will still be much more complex projects too complicated for such platforms. But they will ease the work for programmers in mundane tasks and thus they will be able to focus on much more interesting projects.


Kissflow (September 2021).Low-Code Technology, Everything you need to Know

ZDNet (n.d.) Why low code development is accelerating business success and driving digital disruption

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1 thought on “Low code/no code – future of code/less systems?”

  1. The low code/no code platform would definitely be handy for people who barely have coding skill. However I think IT professionals are still preferable in the talent market even if companies use no code or low code platforms. Since most of them have related experience/skills or take related courses, these may help them become more productive or reduce mistakes compared with people who don’t. But still, it is undeniable that no-code/low-code platform provides opportunities for people who do not have programming skills to build software.

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