Artificial General Intelligence: No Jobs For Future Humans?




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Strong AI or in more technically accurate terminology, artificial general intelligence (AGI) is one of the most fascinating topics that dominated our minds as humanity for centuries. A digital system that is advanced to the extent of understanding concepts, reasoning and even human level emotions and ethics. For some scholars and professionals, AGI is nothing more than the product of human imagination that we depict in science fiction novels, movies, and video games. Other experts are highly certain that AGI will eventually be an unmissable piece of the puzzle in solving major socio-economic challenges such as poverty, climate change and cancer. What if we one day wake up to the news of the first ever AGI in the world? How will we feel about such news? Will AGI serve us in tackling our problems? Or will it become a major calamity added to the extensive list of challenges that we already face as human race?

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of AI in businesses by a rate never experienced before. A study conducted by PwC shows that 86% of the studied companies regard AI as a mainstream technology in their business (Simon, 2022). Major tech corporations such as Google, Microsoft and Amazon are each spending billions of dollars on AI research & development which as a result, half of the AI scientists estimate that the first AGI will exist before 2060! (Simon, 2022). These rapid developments are starting to leave a mark on our societies already when observing the shifts that are occurring in the job markets. Millions of repetitive clerical and production line jobs are being overtaken by automation and as a result millions of people are losing their jobs to AI systems and robots. A study shows that 30% of the jobs worldwide will be automated soon (Vega, 2019). At the same time, these machines and AI systems are estimated to create 58 million new jobs, mostly in the field of tech (Vega, 2019).

But what will happen to future jobs when AGI systems and robots are a reality? If these systems and machinery are on a higher physical and intellectual capacity levels compared to human beings, then what jobs or careers will we as humans have in the future? And how will we be able to make an income to afford our needs? Will the entire global economic and financial systems change or even disappear? These are questions that are complicated to answer due to the unpredictable nature of the strong AI. One scenario is that humans will not need to work anymore. As a human you receive a monthly income that is sufficient to cover all your needs and wants. We will then be free to practice our hobbies, travel to see the world and spend more time with our loved ones. However, is this what we would want as humans? Will we be happy and satisfied with such a future?

For now, humanity should be careful with developing AI systems that improve efficiency, enhance quality, and increase the speed of processes and operations in organizations in addition to improving work circumstances for workers. Though, we can always imagine what the future of jobs and careers might look like.


Simon, C. (n.d.). Council Post: Why Artificial General Intelligence Isn’t Further Along. [online] Forbes. Available at: [Accessed 26 Sep. 2022].

Vega, M. (2019). 17+ Jobs Lost To Automation Statistics In 2020 [Updated]. [online] TechJury. Available at:

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2 thoughts on “Artificial General Intelligence: No Jobs For Future Humans?”

  1. Very insightful, and I do agree on most points with you. I do think that AGI will take some of our jobs that requires repetitive tasks (manufacturing, transportation…) but, history has shown that technological advancements also create new jobs. But then one can ask what are the people that have that and that degree going to do? I don’t think that the change will come rapidly, and society can accordingly prepare for this. I guess from the technological capabilities aspect, it may become very powerful but, we tend to control things very well. Decades might pass deciding on the policies and giving AI specific responsibilities. In this time, society will reskill itself and become more adapted to the future. However, I do agree that it could give more freedom to people and more leisure time. That can be very good and very bad, we all know the movie WALL-E. Then, who knows, maybe the government will start setting restrictions on leisure time. What do you think?

  2. You have chosen a very interesting topic in my opinion. Right now many people in various departments are afraid of losing their jobs in the near future. I don’t think they are wrong for that. In my opinion, changing and disappearing of jobs is normal and has happened forever. For instance, think back to when there were lift boys, however nowadays we almost laugh at the idea of having someone in the elevator whose job it is to operate them.
    Some jobs simply won’t be needed anymore in the future, how sad it can be for people. The good thing is, that when jobs disappear, new ones will emerge.

    At this moment, I don’t think that it will eventually make humans completely useless when it comes to working, or maybe it’s more like hope. I cannot imagine a society where people do not need to work anymore but there are ‘robots’ who do it all. I believe that in some industries, like hospitality, people will always be needed to make it more personal and ‘human’. Let’s see how I reflect on these statements in a few years.

    When it comes to the socio-economic challenges you discussed, I think that it would be a good thing if technology could solve them. However, I think we should worry more about the bad things it can cause in the future, would it be able to start or participate in a war for instance?

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