From now on your brain can be hacked




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Something that seems as crazy as time travailing has become a reality. Due to a new technology, where the brain and technology are connected, the brain can interact with an actual computer. The first wireless computer commands have been exhibited in development for paralyzed individuals. Researchers at Brown University claim that the technology can transmit brain impulses with “single-neuron resolution and in full broadband fidelity.” (Cuthbertson, 2021).

Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) can read and write information to the brain. Invasive BCIs link microscopic electrodes to neurons to track their activity. Neuralink and other invasive BCIs need to be implanted in the brain during brain surgery, which also involves using high-precision surgery robots to correctly attach the electrodes to the neurons (Golembiewski, 2020). 

BCIs provide benefits for people with disabilities. For example, it allows paralyzed people to control the prosthetic limbs with their minds. Also, deaf, muted, and blind people can hear, talk, and see again (RF Wireless World, 2022). It is expected that with this technology things become possible for people in their ordinary life as well such as people being able to communicate telepathically, replay dreams and memories, or completely submerge themselves in a virtual entertainment experience (Golembiewski, 2020). 

This sounds promising and exited, but this all may come at a high price. Can our brains be hacked? The answer is probably yes. For example, a wireless connection via Bluetooth can easily be hacked. If computers can wireless read minds, thoughts, and feelings they can be hacked as well (Hazelager, 2022). For this reason, thinking about the possible risks and providing strict privacy regulations are mandatory to prevent abuse. 

Knowing that something like brain hacking could happen in the future, can bring tricky situations as no privacy is preserved. The idea that your thoughts and feelings are out in the open sounds scary to me. Honesty will be the only option, which can cause interesting conversations. Knowing what the other person thinks and feels can be enlightening yet painful. I am curious how communication between people would change. I think it is a nice development and I think that we should currently reap the benefits of the development for the people who need it most. For the time being, using this development in daily life does not add much value, as it entails a lot of privacy risks. 


Cuthbertson A., 2021. Scientists connect human brain to computer wirelessly for first time ever. Independent.

Available at:

Golembiewski L., 2020. Are You Ready for Tech That Connects to Your Brain? Havard Business Review.

Available at:

RF Wireless World. 2022. Advantages of Brain Computer Interface | disadvantages of Brain Computer Interface. RF Wireless World.

Available at:

Hazelager P, 2022. Episode 447. “Kan je brein geheckt worden in de toekomst?” (Translated: “Can your brain be hacked in the future?”) Universiteit van Nederland Podcast. Available at: Apple Podcasts.

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2 thoughts on “From now on your brain can be hacked”

  1. Hi Liselot, I really like your topic choice! For paralyzed, blind or deaf I think this is a really great development since it can give them so many more opportunities in their life. For non-paralyzed people however I agree with you that this development actually sounds more scary rather than promising. The potential dangerous disadvantages probably do not outweigh the advantages in my opinion. Therefore I think that the patents behind this technology should be highly exclusive and only accessible to people and companies in the healthcare industry.

  2. Hi Liselot,

    What an interesting topic to write about! I never expected that this would ever happen. I completely understand and agree with being scared for the idea that your thoughts and feelings are out in the open. Especially the fact that there is no other option that being completely honest is the scariest to me. However, I do also think that it could be beneficial in some situations – for example, when convicting criminals, criminal investigators would immediately be able to see whether someone is being honest or not. I do agree with you that it should be used for people who need it. I do think it would be so cool to be able to replay your dreams and memories! Especially for people with dementia, this would be a great opportunity to memorize events 🙂

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