Customer experience as the crucial marketing of your business




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What is one of the most important incentives when deciding where to eat in a city you’ve never been to? Maybe you heard recommendations from friends or you just make a good guess which restaurant could be good? 93% of internet users say that online reviews have helped guide them in the right direction. It is common nowadays to write a review about experiences you’ve had, nearly half of all the internet users post online reviews every month. An enormous amount of information is available online to help you decide (in this example where to eat). Some examples to strengthen this claimed importance of online reviews: Tripadvisor recently passed a total of 1 billion reviews on their website. Most consumers even admit not being interested in buying products with an average review rating of less than 3.3 out of 5.

With about 77 percent of internet users using Google to search something they want to buy, or looking for a restaurant to visit, having satisfied customers is becoming a crucial part of your success as a business. To ensure appearing on the online search engines, a high review rating is very important. Being ranked high increases your chances of gaining website visits. Also, top positions on google rankings makes your page more prestigious and professional.

Main takeaway is: nowadays, online marketing is an extremely important form to gain popularity and expand your business to new customers. To improve your position on the results of search engines, a principle called Search Engine Optimisation is becoming more popular. SEO is the cornerstone of online marketing nowadays. When performing SEO correctly, your online popularity will increase, resulting in more website visitors and more reviews on the service you’re providing. As mentioned earlier, receiving a high ranking attracts more customers and increases your chances of becoming a recognised and successful organisation is much closer than it was before.


Src=’, img A., #038;d=mm, Srcset=’, 038;r=g’, #038;d=mm and says, 038;r=g 2x’ class=’avatar avatar-32 photo avatar-default’ height=’32’ width=’32’> J.H. (2021). Why Is It Important to Rank High in Google? – Delante Blog. [online] Delante. Available at:

Exploding Topics. (2022). 81 Online Review Statistics (New 2022 Data). [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Oct. 2022].

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