How AI is changing white collar work




4.5/5 (2)

During my last blog, I wrote about how I learned to use AI, and in special Chat GPT, in the workplace. I wrote about my basic knowledge being boosted, how it assisted me in writing emails, and how it helped me writing marketing messages.

We are now almost at the one year anniversary of Chat GPT 3.5. And the evolvements in the AI space have not stopped yet. The work analysts are doing at VC’s, PE’s or any other white collar employer is still changing drastically. During the past two weeks I have been taking note of these changes, as well as using some of the already existing features. Here is what I found.

Firstly, the advanced data analysis feature in Chat GPT. This is perhaps the most interesting and underrated feature for anyone working in consultancy, venture capital or any other business where large Excel sheets are being used to track business. It helps one to easily analyse these large datasets and quickly draw conclusions. Reducing the time analysts have to spend on these tasks and helping senior players in these industries to draw conclusions quicker.

Another interesting development is the integration of Google Bard in Gmail, Google sheets and other Google products. This enables you to quickly respond in mail with a personal autoreply or draft better results from your Google sheets analysis. The evolvements in this space will be interesting to watch in the future.

Next, and maybe even most interesting, it is now possible to analyse pictures with Chat GPT. This feature is currently not yet open for users in Europe, but it was interesting to see how it is being used in the US. Where it helped people find a parking spot, lower their seat of their bike, or even file their taxes. This feature will also be huge in business. As it will help marketeers to build a better marketing strategy for example. But it could also have big consequences for the development of companies websites. Where now it would become possible to just show a picture of what you would want on your website and having Chat GPT code the new website feature for you.

It is interesting to keep following these changes. And I personally think we are far from done. More will be happening soon, and the changes will be big.

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2 thoughts on “How AI is changing white collar work”

  1. Nice post!

    It is true that since last year the AI developments have improved and that these tools are capable of doing more and more. It is preoccupying as to what would humans would be left to do. Ai intelligence is somehow unmatchable with human intelligence in terms of information that can be processed.

    However, it would be interesting to dive into the weakness of Generative AI, on how they provide astonishing outcomes and how sometimes it just gives nonsense results.

  2. I like how you connected the two articles you wrote. It made me give a feeling of continuity :). It was really interesting to hear about the advanced data analysis feature, this was the first time I have ever heard of it. Your article made me think about it more and I ended up doing some research. I came to the conclusion that I think it is a really intriguing and pivotal feature, just as you claimed too. I have actually been using Bards email feature sometimes, but I haven’t really found it better than just the word recommendation that MS Word has had in place for a while now. But I am also waiting to see how they improve this feature further. Overall, your article is really engaging, informative and fun to read :).

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