Mastering my Google Ads with ChatGPT




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Last year I chose to do an internship at a web development agency specializing in comprehensive support for companies’ technological, design, content, and online marketing needs. In my initial weeks, I focused on understanding the intricacies of SEO and SEA, not only their meanings but also ways to enhance them. 

With the guidance of the agency’s marketing expert, I became adept at setting up diverse campaigns within Google Ads. I also delved into Ad Rank, a metric calculated by multiplying the maximum cost per click (CPC) bid with the ad’s quality score – higher quality scores meant lower bids for similar search result positions (Gibbons & Gibbons, 2023).

Crafting campaigns using provided materials was no major challenge, but I was soon tasked with creating a Google Ads account from scratch for a new, smaller client. Given a limited budget, my mission was to create a high-quality score campaign, which I discovered demanded a lot of creativity and strategic thinking.

I turned to ChatGPT for assistance. By combining keywords from Google’s Keyword Planner and seeking additional unique keywords from ChatGPT, I enhanced the campaign’s effectiveness. The more insights I shared about the company, market, and campaign objectives, the better the keywords ChatGPT generated. In some instances, ChatGPT even suggested top-performing keywords. I relied on ChatGPT for inspiration, from headlines to descriptions and sitelinks, all within a single chat session. Towards the end, I posed a crucial question: “If I were to implement all your advice into my Google Ads campaign, how successful do you think my ads would be?” However, I received a fairly general response each time.

In my view, it would be a valuable addition if ChatGPT could provide critical feedback on its own suggestions. This could help improve the quality of the results generated by ChatGPT in the future, making it an even more powerful tool in all kinds of fields.

In conclusion, as technology evolves, AI’s role in shaping digital marketing strategies continues to grow, promising an exciting future for this field. But what do you think is the best way to use ChatGPT for my Google Ads Campaigns?


Gibbons, M., & Gibbons, M. (2023). What is Google’s ad rank formula and how does it work? WebFX.

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6 thoughts on “Mastering my Google Ads with ChatGPT”

  1. I really enjoyed reading your blog contribution! I liked how you compared your personal AI-generative experience with the theory we discussed in the lectures of Information Strategy. You’re internship sounds really cool and challenging as well. It sounds like you did have a great responsibility in creating the campaigns for the Google Ads but it is very educational and convenient for your possible future career in data analysation.
    To answer your question on how to use ChatGPT for your Google Ads campaigns, I think ChatGPT can deliver creative and original descriptions for in the ads. I also think that, from my own experience, ChatGPT can give good information about the basis foundations of markets and their environments. Based on this information, ChatGPT can give you advice on how to adjust your campaign, looking at that specific industry. For an example, ChatGPT could describe the theoretical framework of that specific industry and can then give you advice on how to adjust your campaign on it.

  2. For ad copywriting and creative brainstorming I think that ChatGPT is a great tool. As you mentioned It aided you with headlines, descriptions, and sitelinks. You can keep using ChatGPT to generate intriguing and original ad content that appeals to your target audience. Try out several ad formats and messaging to determine which ones perform the best.

  3. I really like the topic of your blog. It shows how well Ai can be used in other digital technologies. For most people google Ads is somewhat of a mystery. Even when explained how the google ad ranking system works it is still very hard to think of the best words keywords for example to improve ad rank. I also like your decision of asking an all compassing critical question. However I understand that it is difficult for an Ai, which is programmed to always give the best answer, to critically think of its own suggestions. It’s general response could also be given because the programmers didn’t want the AI to bear any responsibility when it’s suggestions turn out to be wrong.

  4. I really enjoyed reading your blog! Before this course I did not have much understanding on how Google Ads, Ad Ranks and auctions worked. I agree that ChatGPT is a great tool, and it’s interesting to read how well it worked for helping you with setting up the Google Campaigns and even enhancing the effectiveness. As well as John Tran mentioned, I am very interested in seeing how ChatGPT could develop into a critical thinker. But as we have mentioned before, would you even really want it to become one? The lack of criticism keeps us as humans sharp, and prevents laziness, at least for a part of the population ofcourse. This does not go for all ChatGPT users.. Interesting to see what new developments will lead to!

  5. This article reminds me of my past experience as a social media intern working in a tech company. My main job is to assist content creation on several social media platforms not only on regular basis, but also during marketing campaigns. Our team had to collaborate with Paid Team when deciding the advertising budget for each post and review the results (CPC, CPM, CTR…) every week. To make sure everyone has the concept of Google Ads, my manager requested us to take Google courses and acquire the certificates. However, I truly believe I would learn faster if I got a chance like the author of this blog, a chance to actually run a Google Ads campaign with real account. Answering the last question, maybe inputting different strategy and keywords and try running a A/B test on ChatGPT could be one way to try out how different options impact the results, and finally figure out the most successful strategy for your campaign!

  6. Very interesting blog post and it was clear to see that your personal experience with the tool in a relatively unconventional way like ad copywriting showed potential shortcomings of the tool. To answer your question at the end, of how to use ChatGPT for Google Ads Campaigns, I think that the tool can provide effective insights on industry trends and consumer behavior that can help you draft the ad campaigns. However, it may be biased and not entrirely representative of what is actually founding the environment of that market/industry. The future of ChatGPT capabilities with the development of image-to-text capabilities could advance the accuracy of the information collected on ads to help people make informed decisions on ad campaigns. All in all, very interesting application of ChatGPT to discuss in a blog post so hats off for that!

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