DALL-E in education




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The previous blog I wrote was about Chat-GPT. This blog will be about DALL-E. Maybe the tool is a bit less well-known, but it still has a great effect on the way students study. DALL-E is a generative AI tool that creates pictures or other visualizations from text descriptions (Lin, 2023). Looking at myself and the students around me, students can use this to their benefit in the following ways.                            

Firstly, DALL-E acts as tool to create visuals for presentations or written assignments. It can for example be used to create unique engaging slides for all kinds of topics. At the same time, using DALL-E saves a lot of time searching on the internet for the right picture or visualization. A recent example from own experience is a written assignment that I did which required the group to come up with a new company. Since we are doing a business study, nobody in the group was good at designing logo’s. That is where DALL-E came into play and help us out. The main advantage here was that it saved us a lot of time trying to create a logo and we were not graded on how the logo was created anyways.                                                             

Secondly, DALL-E can help in understanding a difficult concept. Sometimes theory is hard to understand just from reading a text. Visualizing it might make this easier.                                                        

Thirdly, students in a statistics course can create visualizations and infographics of data that summarizes their research findings.                                                                                                                           

In conclusion, DALL-E can be used to assist a student in several ways: creative visual creation, visualizing theoretic concepts and creating infographics. These are just some highlights from my own experience, but there are undoubtedly many more. I am curious to find out other perspectives.


Lin, H. (2023). Standing on the Shoulders of AI Giants. CG&A, 97-101.

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3 thoughts on “DALL-E in education”

  1. I am very interested in how AI tools affect education and I enjoyed reading this blog post. Especially since I have struggled with visualizing my work in the past, I think I am going to give DALL-E a try for presentation purposes. I am just not sure how well DALL-E performs when it comes to generating infographics or more interestingly visualizing a difficult concept. My intuition is that current text-to-image tools are not designed toward the second and third use cases, since they do not generate theoretically sound images but mostly produce a visual representation of an abstract idea. It will be nice to read your take on that. Have you ever tried visualizing a difficult topic for instance business-related with DALL-E?

    1. Thanks for your comment. It is indeed sometimes difficult to find the right application of such a tool. I am a person that studies theory well when seeing some form of a picture with it to visualize and remember it. I often do this when preparing for exams so I have some other form besides text to remember the concept.

  2. Very interesting! I am aware of DALL-E and have used it before for creating images and visuals. I was impressed with the speed at which this tool is able to create a variety of new visuals, of the most random combinations as well. It seems like you can create literally anything here. I think combining the visuals of DALL-E with another more verbos tool like Chat GPT will have (or more likely, ‘is having’) a high impact on education. As you mentioned, you used DALL-E for an assignment. So much information is available so easily and it doesn’t require us to really read textbooks, and in some cases we are able to get more clarity from these tools that being in a classroom. Another area that I think DALL-E could impact, not necessarily positively, is marketing. By having a platform that creates your visuals, it could have a potential impact on one’s creativity, and maybe this could hinder employment in Marketing. Who knows, companies may not need as many employees in Marketing if there is a tool that can help with the technical aspects of marketing campaigns. This is just a thought I got after reading your post, maybe I am mistaken. Thank you for this post, I found it quite insightful and it has encouraged me to look more into DALL- E and its potential impacts.

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