A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Crafting SEO-Optimized Blogs




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As mentioned in my previous blog post, I did an internship last year at a web development agency that specializes in providing comprehensive support for companies’ technological, design, content, and online marketing needs. In addition to improving my Google Ads campaigns using ChatGPT, thus optimizing my SEA position, I also utilized ChatGPT to enhance the SEO position of the company’s clients I worked for.

SEO stands for ‘search engine optimization,’ which encompasses all activities and adjustments aimed at making a website more visible in Google’s search results (Stijn, 2023). One of the ways to achieve this is through the piece you are currently reading, a blog. Creating blogs can help you optimize your site for important Google ranking factors like click-through rate, index coverage, backlinks, and internal links (Coleman, 2022). Clients within the company where I interned also utilized a blog SEO strategy. To implement such a strategy, it is essential to run a thorough keyword and competition research (Coleman, 2022). 

One of the clients for whom I had to write such a blog was a real estate agency. I had to write a blog about tips for a successful house hunt. Let’s walk to an example on how ChatGPT supported me in writing this blog. 

I began by asking ChatGPT the initial question: 

“I want to write an SEO optimized blog post on 10 tips for a successful house hunt. I don’t want you to write the blog yet, but can you confirm you understand?”

After that, I searched on Google the question: “what are tips for a successful house hunt.” 

These are similar Google search terms that Google receives all the time. Then, I asked the following question to ChatGPT: “In the article, you must answer the following questions (again, please do not write the blog yet, but can you confirm you understand?), and I included the questions above. ChatGPT provided the following outcome.

Next, I began researching existing hyperlinks, in line with the blog subject. A hyperlink is a user interface element that connects to either a target or a source (Rouse, 2023). I asked ChatGPT the following question: “I want you to include the attached hyperlinks in the blog post (again, please do not write the blog yet, but can you confirm you understand?).” I added hyperlinks and links to pages from the client’s website. ChatGPT provided an outcome similar to the one mentioned above but with the specific hyperlinks.

Now, I told ChatGPT: “We are ready to write the blog. Make the blog around 300 words.”

I cannot include the blog that ChatGPT wrote because it contains a lot of client specific information, but maybe you can try to undergo these steps yourself?

I can speak from experience that ChatGPT generated great blogs in this way. Because you didn’t immediately let the AI write but first provided separate information about the blog’s content, the SEO quality of the blogs improved significantly compared to when I gave ChatGPT a topic and had it immediately write the blog.

On the other hand, there are also downsides to letting ChatGPT write the blogs. For example, it’s challenging because ChatGPT 3.5 does not have access to current events. The topic I’ve presented to ChatGPT can remain relatively general over the years. However, for a real estate agency, blogs about for example current property prices could be relevant. In such cases, ChatGPT cannot assist. 


Coleman, B. (2022, December 2). Blog SEO: How to Search Engine Optimize Your Blog Content. HubSpot. https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/blog-search-engine-optimization#:~:text=and%20content%20writing.-,Does%20blogging%20help%20with%20SEO%3F,site%20more%20appealing%20to%20visitors

Rouse, A. P. B. M. (2023, September 20). What is a Hyperlink? – Definition from Techopedia. Techopedia. https://www.techopedia.com/definition/5175/hyperlink

Stijn. (2023). Wat is SEO? Leer alles over de betekenis en hoe SEO werkt. DoubleSmart. https://www.doublesmart.nl/hub/seo/wat-is-seo/

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