Music meets machines: ethical insights into AI composition




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A viral sensation known as “Heart on My Sleeve” has taken the spotlight this year. This song garnered over 600 000 streams on Spotify, 15 million views on TikTok, and around 275 000 views on YouTube (Snapes, 2023). It is created entirely by artificial intelligence, this song seamlessly melds the voices of renowned artists The Weeknd and Drake. It tricks listeners into believing it was a genuine collaboration.

Here you can find the viral song:

But why were people amazed about this song after figuring out it is composed by AI? The attention that the song got, was because of the ability to mimic the exact style of these artists. Initially, many fans were convinced that this was an unreleased song from The Weeknd and Drake. However, the truth behind this viral hit sparks a lot of questions about crossing technology and creativity.

What could be the ethical considerations in AI-driven music creation?

The first and foremost is copyright and intellectual property. AI generated music raises questions about copyright and intellectual property. Determining the rightful owner of a piece of music created or assisted by AI can be complex. According to international and European copyright law, authors are automatically granted protection upon the creation of original works. However, the use of AI systems, tools, and techniques in the creative process has complicated matters (Bulayenko et al., 2022).

Second, some argue that AI-created music lacks the human emotion and creativity (Carter, 2023). Ethical concerns arise when AI imitates specific artists’ styles too closely, blurring the line between inspiration and plagiarism (Shaffi, 2023).

Third, companies and developers needs to take in consider that they should be transparent about the use of AI in music creation. Clear labeling and disclosure of AI-generated music can help listeners make informed decisions about what they want to listen.

As we witness the boundary between technology and creativity blur, the ethical dimensions of AI-driven music creation become increasingly relevant. How do you feel about AI-generated music mimicking the styles of beloved artists? Share your thoughts below, I would love to hear your perspective.

Bulayenko, O., Pedro Quintais, J., Poort, J., & Gervais, D. (2022, 22 april). AI Music Outputs: Challenges to the Copyright Legal Framework – Part I – Kluwer Copyright Blog. Kluwer Copyright Blog.
Carter, G. (2023, 13 maart). AI generated music – the future of the fall of creativity? Music Gateway.,music%20created%20by%20a%20human.
Shaffi, S. (2023, 23 januari). ‘It’s the opposite of art’: Why illustrators are furious about AI. the Guardian.
Snapes, L. (2023, 18 april). AI song featuring fake drake and weeknd vocals pulled from streaming services. the Guardian.

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